Creators' Tools Discussion

I’m back to being unable to set an actions requirement on my cards. Every time I set it, save, and go back to it they’re gone and reset to 0. Anyone else having this issue?

Caitydid, are you trying to set actions on an Opportunity storylet? Because that’s not possible and has tripped me up before now. You can only set actions on branches in Pinned storylets.

This exact thing happened to me in playtesting Heroic. I played a card where I succeeded in removing my Rubbing People the Wrong Way quality, only to find that the next card in my hand couldn’t be played unless I was Rubbing People the Wrong Way. I had to bungle about attempting to offend people for a while :)

May I know if the Firefox 3.6 issue is meant to be solved or if I will have to switch to a newer version to play all these new games (and possibly create some)?

That’s probably it, and I bet there’s a note about that already in the forums. >.<


Those of you having problems with Sometimes cards not being playable and hanging around - take a look here.–i-cant-get-rid-of-cards.aspx

Well, I’m not off to a very good start.

> Go to [redacted]


> Ever game is a World. Click ‘Create a World’. Call it ‘Sandbox’ and give it a domain name along the lines of mynamesandbox . Leave the other text boxes blank. Click Update. Click Back.

It says Create rather than Update, but done.

> You’ll see your world listed. Click the Visit link


> (which will open a tab ono

Nope, it tries to open http://adamsandbox/.

I tried pulling up directly, and got:

> Something terrible has happened. Possibly a server has caught fire, or a database flared and guttered like a dying star.


> Clicking here will take you back to the site, unless something’s really gone wrong

It doesn’t take me anywhere, so I guess something’s really gone wrong.
edited by adamcadre on 8/7/2012

[quote=adamcadre]Well, I’m not off to a very good start.

> Go to [[color=0000CC]link removed by mod[/color]]


> Ever game is a World. Click ‘Create a World’. Call it ‘Sandbox’ and give it a domain name along the lines of mynamesandbox . Leave the other text boxes blank. Click Update. Click Back.

It says Create rather than Update, but done.

> You’ll see your world listed. Click the Visit link


> (which will open a tab ono

Nope, it tries to open http://adamsandbox/.

I tried pulling up directly, and got:

> Something terrible has happened. Possibly a server has caught fire, or a database flared and guttered like a dying star.


> Clicking here will take you back to the site, unless something’s really gone wrong

It doesn’t take me anywhere, so I guess something’s really gone wrong.[/quote]
Adam, maybe you made the mistake I did when I got this error–did you create the link in the field as “adamsandbox” or “”? I originally did the equivalent of the former and got the same error. I had to directly tell it the link had the other bits added on for it to work.
edited by Chris Gardiner on 8/7/2012

Guys, can you remove that link?

> Adam, maybe you made the mistake I did when I got this error–did you create the link in the field as “adamsandbox” or “”?

Aha - yes, I did the former, like the quickstart document said, rather than the latter, like the actual form said. Thanks much!

> Guys, can you remove that link?

Whoops - I got here by following a link that said to click it if I had questions or problems. I had no idea I was leaving the creator suite by doing so. I’ve redacted my post - apologies.

> Click the box next to ‘Name’

I see no such box. I’m hoping “Title” is the same thing.

> Click the name of your world in the top bar.

I don’t see it.

Wait, if I go to “YOUR WORLDS”, the name appears in a pop-up. Let’s try that.

> You’re back in your world, and you’ll see a card’s appeared in the Pinned section.

I see no card. For that matter, I see no “Pinned section.”

Also, all of these windows are titled “Jonathan” for no reason I can discern.

> Play it!

Hard to do when I see no card. I do see a link that says “tent Attending the Feast of Masks” [sic], but clicking on it just brings me to an editing page. I’m lost.

Usable Curiosities currently kick me to an error message and a picture of the EBZ logo.

[color=#009900]Whoops - the quickstart doc had fallen behind recent changes. I’ve tweaked it.[/color]
[color=#009900]Adam - something unexpected and eerie has happened to your world, sorry! We’ll fix it and get back to you.[/color]
[color=#009900]‘Jonathan’ (and ‘Falstaff’) are previous codenames for bits of the tech. You may see references to them here and there. We’ll weed them out as we go - apologies for the confusion.[/color]

Adam - we’ve fixed the problem that was causing difficulties with your world. It should work fine now - sorry about that.

I kind of wish SN was called Falstaff. Ah, but of course… you had to discard Jack Falstaff. … I wonder if the Henriad is still on iPlayer…

I’m experiencing some problems trying to set an event for an item. Is that not working or am I missing something? I am copying in the title of the story: “Read Paper” into the field for the linked event for the “Scrap of Paper” Thing. When I go into my play mode, my scraps of paper aren’t clickable.

More advice than bug this time around:

I want to structure a series of Storylets such that they can all be played once, in any order, preferably without using an arcane Quality mechanism (like a unique number for every possible combo of Storylets completed.)

Example: I want the PC to attend a buffet. There are five Storylets: Chicken, Beef, Salad, Drinks, and Dessert.

I want the PC to be able to do each Storylet once, in any order, without requiring him or her to do all (or any) to move on.

How can I do this?

[quote=Gordon Levine]More advice than bug this time around:

I want to structure a series of Storylets such that they can all be played once, in any order, preferably without using an arcane Quality mechanism (like a unique number for every possible combo of Storylets completed.)

Example: I want the PC to attend a buffet. There are five Storylets: Chicken, Beef, Salad, Drinks, and Dessert.

I want the PC to be able to do each Storylet once, in any order, without requiring him or her to do all (or any) to move on.

How can I do this?[/quote]
Chicken: requires Eaten Chicken < 1, gives Eaten Chicken 1
Beef: requires Eaten Beef < 1, gives Eaten Beef 1
Salad: requires Eaten Salad < 1, gives Eaten Salad 1
Drinks: requires Had Drinks < 1, gives Had Drinks 1
Dessert: requires Eaten Dessert < 1, gives Eaten Dessert 1

Finish Dinner: requires nothing. moves on

Thanks for the reply Yoda! I’m looking for a more elegant solution, though – one Quality max.

[color=#009900]I don’t think we ever found a way to do this, so if anyone comes up with something elegant, I’d be interested.[/color]
[color=#009900]But consider whether you actually want and need to do it.[/color]
[color=#009900]Is there a reason they shouldn’t be able to repeat the slets multiple times if they want? If not, you could just use a Mark of Cain or an area transition when they’re ready to move on.[/color]
[color=#009900]Is there a reason they shouldn’t be able to repeat the slets multiple times, and mix and match? e.g, Chicken three times, Dessert twice. This gives them more choice and is trivial to manage with a single tracking quality or a resource limit.[/color]
[color=#009900]Do you definitely want to give them no choice in what they can do, only a choice in the order they can do it in? There are reasons why you might want to do that, but it often ends up feeling like a degenerate choice.[/color]
[color=#009900](This is, ultimately, an SN limitation, and I don’t want to suggest otherwise. Other platforms allow you to (eg) mark choices as one-offs intrinsically. There are reasons we chose not to do that, but it is a limitation. But often when you work against the grain of what the platform allows, the best approach is to shrug and go with the grain. We found this particularly true when it came to scheduling complex series of events in a particular order in QBN - which is why the FBG content team still cry out and cover their eyes when anyone mentions the Correspondence Stones.)[/color]