Crashes in 08/03 build

[color=#3366ff]Greetings Skyfarers,[/color]
[color=#3366ff]We are aware some players are experiencing regular crashes in the latest build. We’re isolating the problem which seems to be related to a shader, and we’ll get a fix out ASAP. This issue is particularly prevalent on OXS, but we have seen the issue occur on Windows 10 too. [/color]
[color=#3366ff]If you experience the issue please send us your specs and output logs to as this will help us diagnose the problem. Please note that our ticketing system can only accept files up to 7MB. If your output log is larger than this (highly likely in cases like these) you’ll need to zip it up. [/color]
[color=#3366ff]In the meantime please make sure your drivers are up to date. This is especially important for Intel integrated GPUs. Try these websites for finding updated video drivers:[/color]
[color=#3366ff]Intel: Download Intel Drivers and Software
[color=#3366ff]NVIDIA: Page Not Found | NVIDIA

Thank you for all your hard work.

Brilliant game. And a hint for those unlucky like me that get this new bug basically all the time (my game crashes after a few minutes no matter what I do).

If you run the GoG version of the game, you can uncheck &quotautomatically update to the newest version&quot and revert to the release before this one, labeled You’ll be able to play again and get your Sunless Skies fix until the bug is fixed.

I don’t know if you can do the same on Steam though.
edited by nottorp on 3/10/2019

[color=#3366ff]Hi there, we pushed out a fix for this issue yesterday around ~6pm GMT. Please ensure you are now on v1.[/color]
edited by FailbetterFuzz on 3/12/2019