NEW CONTENT: The Haunting at the Marsh-House

[color=#ff9900]Delicious friends, the first of our Exceptional Stories is now available: a Gothic mystery of past glories entitled…[/color]

[color=#ff9900]&quotIvy dreams sullenly and alone of overthrowing the cities.&quot - Dunsany, The Blessing of Pan[/color]
[/color][color=#ff9900]A malevolent presence has driven the Prim Baronet from his ancestral home. His nights are riddled with nightmares. [/color]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]Brave the mists. Travel to his crumbling, ivied marsh mansion. Gather clues, but guard your sanity. Fear sleep! Can you unravel the Haunting at the Marsh-House?[/color]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]All players can encounter the Prim Baronet as he emerges from the mists of Bugsby’s Marshes. Exceptional Friends can continue his tale from the House of Chimes.[/color]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]
[color=rgb(255, 153, 0)]In addition to a new, substantial, stand-alone story every month, Exceptional Friends enjoy:[/color]

  • [color=#ff9900]Access to the House of Chimes: an exclusive private member’s club on the Stolen River, packed with content![/color][/li][li][color=#ff9900]An expanded opportunity deck: of ten cards instead of six![/color][/li][li][color=#ff9900]A second candle: Twice the actions! 40 at once![/color]

edited by Chris Gardiner on 4/29/2015

This is probably the better place to put my post anyway.

My advice is to go in with as little nightmare as possible (and bring some cryptic clue). No regular stats challenge so it is all-level.

A lot of new art by the way!

Are there anyone who played the Society ending of Trade in Faces? I would love a PM or an echo of the text at the start of this storyline with the relevant quality!

At the last decision point, I chose the very very watery option; anyone want to swap notes on other endings?
edited by Estelle Knoht on 4/29/2015

I’d love to hear by PM what the various rewards for the ending everyone got was.
I wonder if the Trade in Faces Society grants different rewards, as well.

…did you remove the copyright text from cut & paste for EFs? If so: thank you! My private (really, honestly, private, don’t ask) notes thank you!

[color=#0066ff]For everyone, in fact. :)[/color]

Thank you so much!

Just started into this and it’s fantastic so far. I made the society choice at the end of the Trade in Faces. You’ll have to dig a little to see the relevant echo on my profile as I’ve been echoing things as I go but it’s there.

Not be greedy, but is this May’s story early, or is this the story for April? I’m trying to decide how much I should pace myself, and how urgently I need to convince my friends who aren’t yet Exceptional Friends.

[color=#0066ff]It’s May’s story; it would be a bit rum of us to give you the first Exceptional Story for two days. :)[/color]

Hmm. Just completed the story (love it!) for a character who chose the society option with the face-tailor storyline. This was acknowledged with the start text, but I was disappointed that it wasn’t with the conclusion when I clued him in on what was happening in the house. Great story though, and the reward is most welcome.

Is this the appropriate place to discuss the content itself?
I think I may have reached the option to end it on Day 2, but I’d hate to miss any content on Day 3.
Edit: does anyone know if I can make use of my remaining time after solving the mystery, or if there are risks or costs to waiting until the last minute to solve it?
edited by Ian Hart on 4/29/2015

Well, nightmares go up each night, and I’m guessing that failing to resolve the mystery at the end of day three would result in a stay at the Royal Bethlehem (or a boat trip). There seems to be more content than can be experienced in three days anyway. I really need to investigate those mushrooms more thoroughly.

[quote=Ian Hart]Is this the appropriate place to discuss the content itself?
I think I may have reached the option to end it on Day 2, but I’d hate to miss any content on Day 3.
Edit: does anyone know if I can make use of my remaining time after solving the mystery, or if there are risks or costs to waiting until the last minute to solve it?
edited by Ian Hart on 4/29/2015[/quote]
I solved the mystery on day 2, and I don’t believe there are any options to use the time that’s left once you combine your &quotdiscoveries.&quot You should probably stick around and explore for flavor until the third evening, if you can manage not to go mad in the mean time.

A lot of fun. Also, reading the comments has made me decide to go and do a bunch of the NEX stories I haven’t done yet, just to see what additional little frills they will unlock in the future. :)
Also, I chose the drier option, and am very curious what happens if you choose neither.

Sorry if this question has already answered, but in the event that we as the player cannot become an exceptional friend this month (for certain reasons) do we run the risk of this story being replaced with another or will the stories available for exceptional friends just accumulate?

This was fun, and I’m still contemplating my final choice, which to me is always the sign of a good story!

The story will be lost, but

  1. this is next month’s story, so you have time.
  2. 3 months after they come out, the plan is to make them available as a high-priced Fate-locked option.

Very nice story. I wish I could have spent a little bit more time walking in the corridors and visiting the place, I’m sure I missed some texts. But it was really interesting !

I’m just surprised by the tone of the story. It begins very strange and creepy, but this atmosphere doesn’t last. It lacks this… disturbing mood that the story promises. But I really liked it !

3 months? That’s good news! Make a calendar plan to buy EF membership after 3 months

I think the plan is to release a new story every month for Exceptional Friends.
Then make those stories available for additional Fate after 3 months; not make them all available to Exceptional Friends.

I would suggest becoming an Exceptional Friend now and take advantage of the story, cards and actions while you can.