Confused about the Affair of the Box

As I mentioned above, I have 1 point in Turncoat. I find the story very confusing and wasn’t aware of these details before encountering them.

It’s been a year or two since I did anything with this arc. Looking at the Wiki, with &quotSurvivor…&quot at 14 I must have finished Mahogany Hall. As I mentioned above, I only get the storylet &quotThe D–nable Box&quot in Spite and no other Affair of the Box storylets.

As I mentioned above, I only have &quotInterested Parties&quot, which is locked until &quotA Boxful of Intrigue&quot is 13. As my ABoI is 8, it is locked for me.

So, is my character configuration broken and should I report this to Failbetter Games? Or must I wait for opportuniy card actions to raise ABoI to 13?
edited by Jacke on 9/1/2016

I’d recommend sending in a bug report.

Do you have the quality A Power in Waiting? It’s necessary for those storylets to appear.

I have the Accomplishment &quotA Power in Waiting - A Guardian of the Realm&quot.

It appears I have to wait for opportunity cards to raise my “A Boxful of Intrigue”. I just had “A familiar face by the school railing”:

and I picked the 3rd option “Set her to spy on the Gracious Widow”, which raised my ABoI from 8 to 9. Four more cards with Affair-of-the-Box options and I will have 13 and the Spite storylet will unlock for me. Slow but I will get there.

Pretty sure it’s a bug. Report it. I will reiterate this infinitely, but to save me the effort and them the gigabytes, return to the start of this message and read it again every time you read this.

Yep, sounds like there’s a bug all right. The requirements I see for the storylets you’re missing are A Turncoat under 4, A Boxful of Intrigue anywhere under 13 (specific storylets have tighter ranges), A Power in Waiting, and A Survivor of the Affair of the Box at least 12. Bug reporting is best done by emailing or visiting the support site.

I emailed Failbetter Games, I thought it over, and Failbetter got back to me. I can’t recall how I got into this state, but as I thought just above, it’s not a bug but a rare state. To get out of it, I have to wait until I exercise enough opportunity card AotB options to raise my &quotA Boxful of Intrique&quot to 13 and allow me to use the Spite storylet. It appears to be working as intended.
edited by Jacke on 9/5/2016