Confession Trading

Hey Victor Alexander, I am doing the same thing. I already got 7 trades done and just sent for my 8th. I am very curious though; what science are you referring to?
edited by Kindoflame on 11/7/2016

Oh goodness, I’m sorry, I went to take a “ten minute nap” and awoke more than two hours later to a pile of trade requests. I’ve probably just ended up giving the pile-o-Lettice problem to someone else rather than helping those in need! Ah well. I’m still open for any trades, but I’m out of the more exciting cards.

I have: Jenny, Kashmiri Princess, Gentleman, Widow.

Kashmiri Princess sent.

Thank you kindly, delight.

Would love to trade a Lettice for the Captivating Princess if you still have it.

Kashmiri Princess sent.[/quote]

[quote=thymemyth]Would love to trade a Lettice for the Captivating Princess if you still have it.
My apologies, I intend to keep the Captivating Princess’s confession. Once the trade is accepted, anyway…

On that note, I have two each of Feducci and Lettice which I have no personal use for. I’ll trade them to whoever desires them for their own ends, with the understanding that I am currently out of actions and will take a few minutes to accept.
edited by Cake Ninja on 11/7/2016

Trade Board
I’ve stopped updating this - Check past pages (70-73) to see if these have already been completed

Traders looking for…
If you have sent specific trades, post a notice so obsolete requests can be removed. The list is sorted by what the posters are looking for.

Captivating Princess
Anaïs Grant has: Widow Feducci
Azreal DuCain has: Kashmiri
Cerussite has: Feducci Lettice
Felicity Anne Stratford has: Jenny
Gregstrom has: Lettice
HarpGuy has: Jenny Lettice
Kloxe has: Lettice
Riftweave has: Feducci
sgmustadio has: Jenny

Gemma Hawley has: Kashmiri, Lettice

Anaïs Grant has: Widow Feducci

Ayara has: Jenny, Illuminated Gentleman
Rayketh has: Illuminating, Widow

Confessions List: Captivating, Feducci, Illuminating, Jenny, Kashmiri, Lettice, Widow
edited by fitz on 11/7/2016

[quote=Cake Ninja]
On that note, I have two each of Feducci and Lettice which I have no personal use for. I’ll trade them to whoever desires them for their own ends, with the understanding that I am currently out of actions and will take a few minutes to accept.[/quote]

Thank you, Cake Ninja. Smiles sent 2x Jenny for 1 of each, if that’s okay.

EDIT: Received and promptly transformed into a tiara’d tigress. I will call her Alexia and take her NORTH. Where she belongs.

edited by Shalinoth on 11/7/2016

[quote=Shalinoth]Thank you. Smiles sent 2x Jenny for 1 of each, if that’s okay.[/quote]Indeed it is. One Feducci and Lettice remaining, and now two of Jenny’s available as well.

[li]I have a Feducci to trade for Soft-Hearted Widow.
[li][/li]EDIT:Trade complete!
edited by Eleonor Donegal on 11/7/2016

Received with thanks, and promptly transformed into a tigress princess. I will call her Alexia and take her NORTH. Where she belongs.

I have the Kashmiri Princess and don’t need anything. Give me whatever confessions you want, and then append whatever you gave me onto this forum post if that’s possible, then other people can trade for that.

I’ve sent a polite offer of a Gentleman for a Feducci, should that confession still be available.

Last Feducci snatched up for an Illuminated Gentleman, which is now also available for trade. First come, first served!

I have a kashmiri princess I desperately need to trade for a captivating pincess
edited by Desertjake on 11/7/2016
edited by Desertjake on 11/7/2016

That’s all my confessionals complete for Hallowmas.
Thanks to those who helped bring order to this merry chaos.
Sorry to those whose orderly invites were cast aside in chaos.

Didn’t get all companions, but my characters got what was important to them.
Surprisingly I didn’t invest a single Notability. Next year, probably!

Good luck, all.

I have a Sinning Jenny I’ll trade for whatever.

Good evening, delicious friends.
If there are ones who still need Sinning Jenny’s or Soft Hearted Window’s confession, you are always welcome to my lodgings. My Tigress and I do love guests. You may bring any confession you like, it doesn’t matter any more.
Sincerely yours,
edited by Bobblehead on 11/7/2016

I am no longer in need of a Confession of Lettice.

Thank you to Kloxe for the trade. :)

edited by JStadtfeld on 11/7/2016

Thanks to Stygota for my Lettice confession. My tiger loves her new tiara :D

(Can remove me from the list, done trading)