Confession Trading

As with many others, I too need a Lettice. Also a Feducci, but I need the Lettice more. I have two Sinning Jenny and an Illuminating Gentleman to trade right now.

Edit: All trades done for now, thanks.
edited by Arron Mathonwy on 11/7/2016

I have a spare Feducci confession I’d be happy to trade for the Captivating Princess’. - ETA: traded, thank you!
edited by dfotw on 11/6/2016

[quote=Ben ]I am apparently short a Lettice’s confession.

I have an extra of the soft hearted widdow, and 2 extra of the kashmr princesses.

Also an extra of sinnin jenny’s.[/quote]

I’ll take a Widow for Lettice. Request sent

In need of Captivating Princess, can trade Kashmiri Princess, Soft-Hearted Widow, or Sinning Jenny.

Need Feducci, can trade Jenny, widow, princess or Lettice.

Edit: Trade complete. Thank you.
edited by Turftoe on 11/6/2016

I am really sorry to everyone who tried to trade with me today. I went out to lunch with my family and we ended up spending hours together. I have Sinning Jenny’s Confession, like almost everyone here, and am willing to trade. I already got everything that I wanted, so I am just doing this to help some delicious friends out.

I am looking for Feducci or the Kindhearted Widow. I have all of the other common cards available for trade.

I’m looking for Feducci or Soft-Hearted Widow as well. Trading Kashmiri or Captivating Princess.
EDIT: Got it, thank you!
edited by mayorofarta on 11/7/2016

I have come into possession of a confession from Lettice, and am in need of one from Feducci. If anybody would like to make that trade, please don’t hesitate to offer.

I can alternately offer a confession from Sinning Jenny, the Kashmiri Princess, or the Illuminated Gentleman, should any of those be of greater interest.

Edit: I have now made the trade. Thank you!
edited by Tulip on 11/7/2016

I have a Feducci and Soft-Hearted Widow. I already got all I needed, so I can trade for anything.

[Edit] Done!
edited by Atreusion on 11/7/2016

-Edit: got it, thank you!-
Looking for the Captivating Princess. I’ve a spare Kashmiri Princess and Illuminated Gentleman…
edited by cheesetroll on 11/7/2016

[li]I’ve a Kashmiri for anybody who wants it. No preference.
edit: trade complete![/li][li]
edited by Eleonor Donegal on 11/7/2016

May I trade a Kashmiri princess for a Captivating Princess? PM me!
edited by Unlikely on 11/7/2016

I’ve got a pair of Kashmiri Princesses I don’t need anymore. Happy to trade them for anything.

Their confessions, I mean. The Princesses aren’t for sale.

I’ve got 3 of Lettice’s confession. I’d like to a captivating princess and a sinning jenny, but if you need lettice, feel free to hit me up.

Need a Soft-Hearted Widow, not much to trade with, just a Kashmiri and a SInning Jenny.

Done! Many thanks to those who have traded with me.
edited by DangerousRick on 11/7/2016

Need Lettice for the Tiger, have Kashmiri Princess confessions in return

Ok, no more lettice, but I have a pair of spare jennys now.

I’ve a Feducci and a Kashmiri Princess now. Come get 'em!
-edit: claimed!-
edited by cheesetroll on 11/7/2016