I have a Lettice for trade and I now need the Captivating Princess.
The irony is that I made the exact opposite trade earlier today, and spent the Lettice I got well, but now I need another Captivating Princess.
I have a Lettice for trade and I now need the Captivating Princess.
The irony is that I made the exact opposite trade earlier today, and spent the Lettice I got well, but now I need another Captivating Princess.
[quote=NinjaComedian]I have a Lettice for trade and I now need the Captivating Princess.
The irony is that I made the exact opposite trade earlier today, and spent the Lettice I got well, but now I need another Captivating Princess.
I’ll send you a trade :D
[quote=trebar]I am seeking confessions from an illuminated gentleman, the captivating princess and Lettice, in that order preferably.
I currently have extra confessions from the kashmari princess and the softhearted widow
I sent you a trade, IG for Soft Hearted Widow.
My offer still stands: I’d like to trade a Sinning Jenny to receive the Captivating Princess, and will send a bonus of the Neath Mysteries.
edited by Parelle on 11/3/2016
I Have:
Soft-Hearted Widow
Illuminated Gentleman
Sinning Jenny
UPDATE: Trade completed. Thank you mysterious stranger!
edited by Sidra on 11/3/2016
Have: Spare Lettice. Seeking: Princess. Edit: Success!
edited by Kestrel Zestvim on 11/3/2016
I am looking for Lettice’s confession, I can offer either Jenny’s or the Kashmiri Princess’.
My alt only wanted a select few enhanced companions, so he now has 1 Kashmiri Princess and 2 Gentlemen which he no longer needs. If you need any of them, feel free to trade with me for whatever you don’t need. (I would give them away for free, but alas that is not an option.)
EDIT: Whoops, silly me, I forgot to include his profile:
edited by Arandia on 11/2/2016
Is there anyone who still has a Lettice up for trade? I have 1 Kashmiri Princess and 1 Illuminated Gentleman to give in return.
[quote=Arandia]My alt only wanted a select few enhanced companions, so he now has 1 Kashmiri Princess and 2 Gentlemen which he no longer needs. If you need any of them, feel free to trade with me for whatever you don’t need. (I would give them away for free, but alas that is not an option.)
EDIT: Whoops, silly me, I forgot to include his profile:
edited by Arandia on 11/2/2016[/quote]
Sent you a request. Thank you much if you accept it, Delicious Friend.
Update: Thank you very much. My Alluring Accomplice shall follow her destined path now, becoming…fabulous! (wait, what?)
edited by Lestaroth on 11/2/2016
Looking for Lettice, have the Widow, the Kashmiri Princesses and Jenny.
I still need a lettice and still have a captivating princess to give
Good evening, friends! I have finally gathered up all the confessions I needed to educate my companion. As such, I am offering up anything I have remaining to whoever needs it. I will accept any trades and I’ll keep this list updated. First come, first served.
Sinning Jenny’s Confession
Kashmiri Princess’ Confession
Soft-Hearted Widow’s Confession
EDIT: Lettice is gone
edited by starwindlancer on 11/2/2016
Sinning Jenny
Soft-Hearted Widow
EDIT: Traded with Aquilia Penna. Sorry, other folks.
edited by RavingManiac on 11/2/2016
I would like to trade either the Illuminated Gentleman or Sinning Jenny’s confession for Lettice’s confession
Sinning Jenny
Soft-Hearted Widow
edited by RavingManiac on 11/2/2016[/quote]
Request sent.
I’ve got 1 Kashmiri Princess.
I’d love to trade her for a captivating princess, a widow, Feducci, or lettice
edited by IgnatuStone on 11/3/2016
Have: 1x Sinning Jenny, 1x Kashmiri Princess
Want: Soft-Hearted Widow
edited by Lady Sile Zenscuel on 11/3/2016
edited by Lady Sile Zenscuel on 11/3/2016
Have: Illuminated Gentleman and Sinning Jenny
Want: Soft-Hearted Widow
Make inquiries to The Straveling Soldier.
edited by ShroudedInLight on 11/3/2016
Have: 2x Sinning Jenny, 1x Kashmiri Princess
Want: Feducci