Would like to acquire Captivating princess and Lettice’s confessions. I have Kasmir princess, Illuminated gentleman’s and soft hearted widows confessions available.
Would like to trade my Kashmiri for a Lettices :) Would be great!
I have a spare sinning jenny and would love to get a lettice. if anyone is willing to trade.
I could also offer my illumanted gentleman or the soft hearted window, altough that would stop me from getting the fish.
if anybody is willing to trade, my account is http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Anagram?fromEchoId=4372370
thanks you guys!
I’m looking for a Feducci confession, for the dam**** seven times tigress. I can offer every confession but the Lettice or Captivating Princess for it, in this account or my alt.
Greetings, delicious friends
It just so happens, that I might know of a certain individual, who might be in possesion of a wide assortment of particularly dark, salty and smoky confessions, including the one belonging to Captivating Princess. He might be willing to exchange one of them fot the confession of the leader and patron of Black Ribbon, Mr. Feducci. If one were interested in such a deal than I might be able to orginise a meeting. You can find me here:
Signed: sir piotrekdoro
I’m Also looking for Feducci and The Captivating Princess. I have:
1 x Singing Jenny
2 x Kashmari princess
1 x soft hearted widow
Here’s me: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/PeterSPACESYMBOLWest
I’m beginning to think that these two are super rare, If anyone knows how to get them in game without trading please let me know. Although a trade would be a lifesaver. Thanks!
I REALLY need Lettice to get the esoteric accomplice. I can offer The Widow, Jenny, or the Kashmiri. Please help!
I would like to trade Kasmir princess, Illuminated gentleman’s or soft hearted widows confessions for Captivating princess confession.
i have sinning jenny’s confession, looking for the captivating princess’ confession.
I have the confessions of the Soft-hearted Widow, the Kashmiri Princess, the Illuminated Gentleman and Sinning Jenny.
I will trade any of these for the Captivating Princess.
EDIT: Traded! Thank you, Skalmandel
edited by RavingManiac on 11/1/2016
still need captivating princess and feducci. if any are left out there and still time… avalable for one day only and still ending up getting one of the others that was avalable from begining kinda sucks.
have soft hearted widow, the kashmiri princess
edited by Skathes on 11/1/2016
edited by Skathes on 11/1/2016
Edit: Acquired The Captivating Princess and Lettice’s confessions! Thanks for the help!
Exchange done.
edited by Teralyn Payne on 11/1/2016
Edit: Exhange done. Thanks for the quick response!
edited by Delacre on 11/1/2016
Hello, I am currently seeking a Captivating Princess confession with the aim of advancing my Alluring Accomplice.
At the moment I currently have the following available for trade:
1 Kashmiri Princesses
1 Illuminated Gentlemen
1 Soft Hearted Widow
1 Sinning Jenny
UPDATE: I have acquired the Captivating Princess thanks to the Music Singer in Veilgarden. However, if anyone still needs confessions, let me know and I can work out a trade. Cheers!
edited by Xue on 11/1/2016
I need Feducci and can offer any from this account or my secondary.
I would like to trade my Kashmir princess, soft hearted widows, and illuminated gentleman’s confessions for captivating princess and sinning jennys confessions.
I would very much like to obtain the confession of Lettice the Mercy. I might offer in trade a confession from the Mayor, Sinning Jenny; or from the Soft-Hearted Widow; or from the Illuminated Gentleman.
I thank you in advance for your kindness, delicious stranger.
edited by Bertha Brownstone on 11/1/2016
edited by Bertha Brownstone on 11/2/2016
Hi, looking to trade any of the following confessions:
- 1x Captivating Princess[/li][li]1x Kashmiri Princess[/li][li]1x Sinning Jenny[/li][li]2x Soft-Hearted Widow
for a Lettice confession.
Any other social interactions (menaces, etc.) welcome too!
Cheers :)
[quote=varoknight]I’m after the "The Captivating Princess Confession"
I have up for trading:
- Illuminated Gentleman’s Confession
- Sinning Jenny’s Confession
- The Kashmiri Princess’ Confession
- Lettice’s Confession
My profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/VaroLeMazorque
edited by varoknight on 11/1/2016[/quote]
request sent for lettice. hopefully it’s still avalible
I am looking for:
- the Captivating Princess
I can offer:
- the Illuminated Gentleman[/li][li]Sinning Jenny
EDIT: got the CP. If you need the Gentleman or Jenny, feel free to contact me!
edited by withywind on 11/2/2016