I have a couple of Sinning Jenny’s confessions and I’m looking for the Kashmiri Princess, Feducci and Lettice’s to upgrade my tiger :)
I have soft-hearted widow and would like to trade for Sinning Jenny’s
Currently looking for Kashmiri Princess (also, Feducci and Lettice). Got Sinning Jenny and Soft-Hearted Widow to trade.
PS. I’m broke now but I’ve bought a Bengal Tigress.
edited by darV on 10/26/2016
Confessions from Feducci, Lettice and the Captivating Princess are not yet available in the game. Wait until next week.
Confessions from Feducci, Lettice and the Captivating Princess are not yet available in the game. Wait until next week.[/quote]
That explains a lot! I’m still kinda new to this game ^^’ Thank you for the info!
I have a spare Soft-Hearted Widow and am looking to obtain a Lettice, Captivating Princess, or Feducci.
I’ve got a spare Sinning Jenny that I wish to trade for an Illuminated Gentleman. Would also like to meet more delicious friends over coffee at Caligula’s
Update: Trade done! Social actions are still very much welcome though:D
edited by Silvan Derre on 10/26/2016
Offer sent…
I’ve got a Kashmiri princess, will trade for a Illuminated Gentleman or Feducci confensions.
I have a Kashmiri Princess and a Soft-Hearted Widow that i’d like to trade for a Captivating Princess or Sinning Jenny
EDIT: Princess’s gone, thank you for your offers.
Looking to trade my Kashmiri Princess’ Confession with Sinning Jenny’s confession.
I’m also open for social interaction requests.
Thank you.
edited by arkatufus on 10/27/2016
I have a spare Widow and I need a Kashmiri. Edit: Derp. Forgot profile link. https://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Blergh~Blerghson
edited by Kerdon on 10/26/2016
Would like the widow, I have the illuminated gentleman to trade for it.
Got 3 sinning Jenny’s, and looking for just about anything else. Mainly soft hearted widows.
Malcom "Trilby"
Whoever Jonathan Locke is, thank you for this trade.
edited by Trilby on 10/26/2016
Assuming your profile’s name is also Kerdon, I’ve just sent you a trade offer. My profile is "Eremurious".
Edit: Apparently typing in Kerdon doesn’t send the offer to Kerdon, but someone else. Most perplexing. I’ve since withdrawn the request as well I’m afraid, as I apparently have no idea what I’m doing.
edited by Elcaeden on 10/26/2016
Anyone who has an Illuminated Gentleman and wants a Kashmiri Princess, send Juniper Brown a trade request!
Edit: Trade made, thank you very much!
edited by Sir Frederick Tanah-Chook on 10/26/2016
An offer of exchange duly sent.
RandomWalker has ample confessions of Kashmiri, Soft-hearted, and Illuminated, but only one Sinning Jenny. If anyone would like to trade any of the others for their Sinning Jenny, please send a trade.
Assuming your profile’s name is also Kerdon, I’ve just sent you a trade offer. My profile is "Eremurious".
Edit: Apparently typing in Kerdon doesn’t send the offer to Kerdon, but someone else. Most perplexing. I’ve since withdrawn the request as well I’m afraid, as I apparently have no idea what I’m doing.
edited by Elcaeden on 10/26/2016[/quote]
Yeah, sorry. I forgot to put my link in my request.
Request sent.