Complete Sets

There should be a set of Irrigo-stained equipment, I believe. Though I do not possess them all, so I can’t offer a proper build.

What a wonderful idea, let me check no items overlap!

&quotWho was here? What was I talking about?&quot
Slot: Destiny

  • 7 Shadowy
  • 3 Persuasive

1x Strange-Shore Parabola Suit/Frock
1x Pair of Irrigo Goggles
1x Pair of Forgotten Spidersilk Slippers
1x Nodule of Violet Amber

Option: Who goes here?

Who was there?
The time you spend in the Nadir has caused you to reflect onto yourself inside the cave… Are you even still who you were?
Who were you then? Why are you? Is… What?.. No…
I shall chose who I am

You lost:
1x Strange-Shore Parabola Suit/Frock
1x Pair of Irrigo Goggles
1x Pair of Forgotten Spidersilk Slippers
1x Nodule of Violet Amber

You gained:
1x Forgotten
3x Irrigo
1x Direful Reflections [due to the worth of the other items]
edited by Honeyaddict on 11/13/2018

The Neath’s Outfit/Gown
&quotThis shouldn’t exist… yet the colours blend.&quot Don’t expose this to Sunlight, it will dissolve.
Slot: Clothing
+12 Persuasive, +12 Dangerous, +12 Watchful, +12 Shadowy, +3 Bizarre

[You need to have had all these objects once, not anymore since one cannot have them all at once, especially not with Notary combined.]
1x A Shrine to St. Joshua [Irrigo]
1x Set of Cosmogene Glasses [Cosmogene]
1x A List of Aliases, Writ in Gant [Gant]
1x A Pot of Violant Ink [Violant]
1x A Crooked Cross [Apocyan]
1x A Parabola tattoo [Viric and Cosmogene]
1x A Chess-Piece tattoo [Pelegin]
5000x Echoes
Unlocked with: Profession: Notary or Doctor

Option: The a truly Custom Suit/Frock [these are two options under one storylet]
A matter of Luck … 60% chance/ The odds are in your favour

While most people in the Neath have never heard of half these colours, let alone have seen or remember them, you remember them all and have acquired the Wealth needed to make Gottery the Outfitter, Dauncey’s and Fadgett & Daughters them come together in one room. And even better, have them all work on a design that shouldn’t be possible. With the colours you can provide and the funds… they can try.


They… succeeded somehow, while the mix of the colours makes your head ache, the Irrigo mixed in it makes you forget the pain of it. Across the suit/frock has been embroided with the finest threads, with designs unlike any seen on the Surface, a Chess-piece in Pelegin, a representation of Parabola, nearly identical to your tattoo in Viric, a Snake in Cosmogene, a (on-purpose broken) Correspondence Sigil in Violant, a Cross in Apocyan, your name in Gant in the collar on breast and as finishing touch the edges of the suit were lined with Forgotten-Shore Parabola Linen. The Suit itself is made entirely from Veils-Velvet or so they claim it’s clearly not, at least not entirely, or the expenses would’ve been even more costly.
You have lost 5000x Echoes
You have gained 1x The Neath’s Outfit/Gown


It was to be expected, the design had already been coloured in, too much use of Irrigo caused everyone to forget it, while the Cosmogene, Viric and Pelegin recalled bad memories for most, Gant and Violant scared those who looked at the design, driving them mad. Is that a Correspondence Sigil in Violant on your suit? Your hair catches fire… It was indeed one. The three companies will want to be compensated for this.
Nightmares increasing… +8 CP
Wounds increasing… +7 CP
You have lost 4500x Echoes

edited by Honeyaddict on 12/4/2018

[quote=Honeyaddict]The Neath’s Outfit/Gown
&quotThis shouldn’t exist… yet the colours blend.&quot Don’t expose this to Sunlight, it will dissolve.
Slot: Clothing
+12 Persuasive, +12 Dangerous, +12 Watchful, +12 Shadowy, +3 Bizarre

[You need to have had all these objects once, not anymore since one cannot have them all at once, especially not with Notary combined.]
1x A Shrine to St. Joshua [Irrigo]
1x Set of Cosmogene Glasses [Cosmogene]
1x A List of Aliases, Writ in Gant [Gant]
1x A Pot of Violant Ink [Violant]
1x A Crooked Cross [Apocyan]
1x A Parabola tattoo [Viric and Cosmogene]
1x A Chess-Piece tattoo [Pelegin]
5000x Echoes
Unlocked with: Profession: Notary or Doctor

Option: The a truly Custom Suit/Frock [these are two options under one storylet]
A matter of Luck … 60% chance/ The odds are in your favour

While most people in the Neath have never heard of half these colours, let alone have seen or remember them, you remember them all and have acquired the Wealth needed to make Gottery the Outfitter, Dauncey’s and Fadgett & Daughters them come together in one room. And even better, have them all work on a design that shouldn’t be possible. With the colours you can provide and the funds… they can try.


They… succeeded somehow, while the mix of the colours makes your head ache, the Irrigo mixed in it makes you forget the pain of it. Across the suit/frock has been embroided with the finest threads, with designs unlike any seen on the Surface, a Chess-piece in Pelegin, a representation of Parabola, nearly identical to your tattoo in Viric, a Snake in Cosmogene, a (on-purpose broken) Correspondence Sigil in Violant, a Cross in Apocyan, your name in Gant in the collar on breast and as finishing touch the edges of the suit were lined with Forgotten-Shore Parabola Linen. The Suit itself is made entirely from Veils-Velvet or so they claim it’s clearly not, at least not entirely, or the expenses would’ve been even more costly.
You have lost 5000x Echoes
You have gained 1x The Neath’s Outfit/Gown


It was to be expected, the design had already been coloured in, too much use of Irrigo caused everyone to forget it, while the Cosmogene, Viric and Pelegin recalled bad memories for most, Gant and Violant scared those who looked at the design, driving them mad. Is that a Correspondence Sigil in Violant on your suit? Your hair catches fire… It was indeed one. The three companies will want to be compensated for this.
Nightmares increasing… +8 CP
Wounds increasing… +7 CP
You have lost 4500x Echoes

edited by Honeyaddict on 12/4/2018[/quote]
Oh, I love this!

Oh! I know! A Home Comfort created by having all of the POSI-specialized items and Paramount Presence!

Location: Bazaar Side-Streets
This will Cost 1Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets
This Will Cost 1
Tub of Gloam-Foam
This Will Cost 1Infernal Sharpshooter’s Rifle
This Will Cost either 1
Parabola-Linen Suit or 1Parabola-Linen Frock
You unlocked this with A Person of Some Importance at A Paramount Presence
Title: One’s Rewards
You have worked hard to come here. Let’s make sure that work is fully recognized.
Everyone at the Side-Streets agrees that you deserve some reward for your work, and finds a way to put your items together in a fashionable way.
They decide to refurbish your home, and it looks terrible. However, you can find comfort in its terrible nature.
You now have 1
Assortment of Equipment
You no longer have any of this: Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets, Tub of Gloam-Foam, Infernal Sharpshooter’s Rifle, Parabola-Linen Suit, Parabola-Linen Frock
Making Waves is increasing…(+200 CP)
You’ve gained 1Respectable
You’ve gained 1
You’ve gained 1*Bizarre

Assortment of Equipment
Watchful +15
Shadowy +15
Dangerous +15
Persuasive +15
Respectable +2
Dreaded +2
Bizarre +2
Nightmares -1
Suspicion -1
Wounds -1
Scandal -1

Who doesn’t???

[quote=Honeyaddict]The Neath’s Outfit/Gown
&quotThis shouldn’t exist… yet the colours blend.&quot Don’t expose this to Sunlight, it will dissolve.
Slot: Clothing
+12 Persuasive, +12 Dangerous, +12 Watchful, +12 Shadowy, +3 Bizarre

[You need to have had all these objects once, not anymore since one cannot have them all at once, especially not with Notary combined.]
1x A Shrine to St. Joshua [Irrigo]
1x Set of Cosmogene Glasses [Cosmogene]
1x A List of Aliases, Writ in Gant [Gant]
1x A Pot of Violant Ink [Violant]
1x A Crooked Cross [Apocyan]
1x A Parabola tattoo [Viric and Cosmogene]
1x A Chess-Piece tattoo [Pelegin]
5000x Echoes
Unlocked with: Profession: Notary or Doctor

Option: The a truly Custom Suit/Frock [these are two options under one storylet]
A matter of Luck … 60% chance/ The odds are in your favour

While most people in the Neath have never heard of half these colours, let alone have seen or remember them, you remember them all and have acquired the Wealth needed to make Gottery the Outfitter, Dauncey’s and Fadgett & Daughters them come together in one room. And even better, have them all work on a design that shouldn’t be possible. With the colours you can provide and the funds… they can try.


They… succeeded somehow, while the mix of the colours makes your head ache, the Irrigo mixed in it makes you forget the pain of it. Across the suit/frock has been embroided with the finest threads, with designs unlike any seen on the Surface, a Chess-piece in Pelegin, a representation of Parabola, nearly identical to your tattoo in Viric, a Snake in Cosmogene, a (on-purpose broken) Correspondence Sigil in Violant, a Cross in Apocyan, your name in Gant in the collar on breast and as finishing touch the edges of the suit were lined with Forgotten-Shore Parabola Linen. The Suit itself is made entirely from Veils-Velvet or so they claim it’s clearly not, at least not entirely, or the expenses would’ve been even more costly.
You have lost 5000x Echoes
You have gained 1x The Neath’s Outfit/Gown


It was to be expected, the design had already been coloured in, too much use of Irrigo caused everyone to forget it, while the Cosmogene, Viric and Pelegin recalled bad memories for most, Gant and Violant scared those who looked at the design, driving them mad. Is that a Correspondence Sigil in Violant on your suit? Your hair catches fire… It was indeed one. The three companies will want to be compensated for this.
Nightmares increasing… +8 CP
Wounds increasing… +7 CP
You have lost 4500x Echoes

edited by Honeyaddict on 12/4/2018[/quote]
I have alternate idea. Irrigo - from one fluke core. Cosmogone - from cosmogone glass pieces (Glassman can broke spectacles and lost profession) or from cosmogone amber fragments. Violant - from cinder (or just needs profession and pot of ink). Gant - from pot of gant ink (that also can remove tattoo). Apocyan - from knob of blue scintillack. Viric - from Fingerking scales or painting like in SS. Peligin - from Deep-Zee Catch. And three Veils-Velvet as fabric. For Correspondence - SoC 21 (or more?) and Name in Seven Secret Alphabeths 7. Suit will be colored in Peligin and look alike night sky, tiny jewels on it shine like small stars of different colors (irrigo, apocyan, cosmogone and viric), seven letters of players name in Correspondence write by violant ink burn as new law.

Gambler’s Lucky Set
&quotEvery Gambler in London worth their weight will have this badboy!&quot - Rattus Faber Gambler, who lost his set gambling not ten minutes later
Contraband or Curiosity

3x Set of Devilbone Die
52x Singed Playing Cards
3000x Silk Scrap

10x Lucky Weasels
250x Nodule of Deep Amber
1x First City Coin

Bronze Option in Spite:
<If you can’t steal it… make it!>
Persuasive Challenge (Persuasive 112+ 100%)

You piece together the Silk Scraps until you get something approximating a vest, and then you begin sewing on a lot of pockets. You piece together a deck from all the singed Cards you’ve been sent, place it in one pocket, in another you have three sets of Devilbone Die, just to make sure you can keep rolling. A First City Coin to settle Coin Tosses, you carve a few chips from the Deep Amber, handy for representing actual value when playing! And in your remaining pockets you put a few Weasels, their little heads pop up every once in a while to see how you’re doing and to ask for snacks. Hopefully they’ll bring you the luck you’ll need.

edited by Honeyaddict on 7/23/2020

Master “Gambler” Attire
Why play fair when you can play to win?
Slot: ??? Alternatively: Contraband/Curiosity

1x Gambler’s Lucky Set
100x Lucky Weasels
1x Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets

1x Flawless Hand Mirror
1x Pair of Hushed/Forgotten Spidersilk Slippers
1x Devilish Fedora

1x Ace of Hats
52x Signed Playing Card
1x Set of Devilbone Die

Silver Option in the Bazaar Side-Streets:
<Relying on Luck is for chumps!>
Shadowy Challenge (Shadowy 215+ 100%)

You Spend hours upon hours finding the best pocket-sleeves to hide your Ace up your sleeve, you memorize where you put each card of your spare deck in case you need that one card. Your Hand-mirror is stowed away for now, but it will prove invaluable if you’re subtle enough to use it. You have put a weasel in just about every feasible pocket in case you do need to rely on luck, there is even one hiding under your hat! And the Extra Dice Set you have is used by your Weasels in the hope they infuse it with some luck and if not, you can weigh these down just a little bit, you won’t ever get caught like this.

And now it’s in the game: Mr… Chimes’ Lost and Found lets you buy 5 cats serving as different clothes (don’t ask). If you equip them all and visit House of Chimes, you’ll get a special storylet. Though they’re not combined in the end.

7 Heptagoats -> The Godt.

+40 Watchful companion AND +7 Caprine Authority permanently added to your character’s stats, even if The Godt isn’t equipped.


[quote=Tystefy]7 Heptagoats -&gt; The Godt.

+40 Watchful companion AND +7 Caprine Authority permanently added to your character’s stats, even if The Godt isn’t equipped.[/quote]

7 The Godts -> &quotNo, Londoner. You are the goats.&quot
Same stats, but now it’s official.
Also, you can only play the overgoat card and nothing else.


[quote=Tystefy]7 Heptagoats -> The Godt.

+40 Watchful companion AND +7 Caprine Authority permanently added to your character’s stats, even if The Godt isn’t equipped.[/quote]

7 The Godts -> &quotNo, Londoner. You are the goats.&quot
Same stats, but now it’s official.
Also, you can only play the overgoat card and nothing else.

&quotWait. It’s all goats?&quot

&quotAlways has been.&quot

[quote=Tystefy]&quotWait. It’s all goats?&quot

&quotAlways has been.&quot[/quote]&quotWe all goat down here&quot


[quote=Tystefy]7 Heptagoats - The Godt.

+40 Watchful companion AND +7 Caprine Authority permanently added to your character’s stats, even if The Godt isn’t equipped.[/quote]

7 The Godts -No, Londoner. You are the goats.
Same stats, but now it’s official.
Also, you can only play the overgoat card and nothing else.

John Stalvern waited. The gaslights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were goats in the lodgings. He didn’t see them, but had saved for them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a goat collector for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the Heptagoat mantelpieces go by and he said to dad &amp;amp;quotI want to be a goat owner daddy.” Dad said “No! You will BE KILL BY DEVILS!”. There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the spire if the bazaar base of the Masters he knew there were goats. ”This is Joson” the letter writted. “You must fight the goats!” So John gotted his Infernal Sharpshooters rifle and blew up the wall.”HE GOING TO KILL US” said the goat demons. ”I will shoot at him” said the cyber goat and he fired the brass missiles. John infernal sharpshooted at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill. ”No! I must kill the goats!” he shouted The letter said ”No, Londoner. You are the goats.” And then John was a Godt.
edited by RoyalRaven on 7/25/2020