I think this is a good place to say that I think that the musical accompaniment to the game is MAGNIFICENT. I’ve heard an awful lot of video game soundtracks, and few indeed come close to that of Sunless Sea. I particularly like the Forest of Corsairs theme, although Mt. Palmerston is a close second.[li]
They changed the music that happened in the Principals of Coral from the super-creepy music with the unintelligible whispers to something that’s still good, but I miss the whispers. They don’t seem to have been moved to Sea of Voices, where I’d think they’d be suitable. I miss that music; I became fond of it in one of the first builds when playing while feverish.
[color=#009900]It - or rather a slightly different version, Alien Minimee - does in fact play in the Sea of Voices, but the locative music rules mean you may not hear it immediately.[/color]
Fully agree with Progpen. That particular piece of music has been so rooted in my brain that i’ve had to stop making music as it keeps coming out sounding similar to it. Also, the whispers were excellent but the new music definately gives the Principals of Coral an alien landscape vibe which fits well. In addition, the small moments where the music is about to begin and I can just hear the steam engine gives a great sense of loneliness, vastness and a wierd sort of peace.
I miss the whispers; they were part of what made that piece so wonderfully spooky and atmospheric. It’s still good, but it was better with the whispers.
[quote=Tara Dresbach]I miss the whispers; they were part of what made that piece so wonderfully spooky and atmospheric. It’s still good, but it was better with the whispers.[/quote]Seconded. The Principles has the creepiest setting I’ve seen so far, and the constant whispering pushed it over the edge for me.
[color=#009900]It is, I agree, the creepiest so far. It is probably not, however, the creepiest to come. We are reserving the whispers for that one.[/color]