Clothing available through gameplay

Hello kind Madames and Sirs.

I couldn’t find (still, I’m not very good at searching forums, being a simple Doctor from nineteenth century’s London) a thread that would answer my concern, so I decided to ask here.

Being close to becoming a POSI, I already unlocked all mid-game locations and University, which I assume stands as tier 3 location for Watchful fellows. Through my adventures I obtained a few items, which Masters qualified as weapons. They seem to have a special effect, for example when I hold A Journal of Metaphysical Conjecture, I seem to become much more attentive. Same goes for Academic Gown, a present from University authorities.

Now, to my question, as I dare not prolong this long preface. I’d like to know, what other items of similar nature am I to get through my adventures? Will tier locations 3 all honor me with a piece of clothing, as University did? Or maybe I’ll encounter companions, willing to join me and help in my businesses? My wealth is not infinite, so I would like to know, what should I buy, as obtaining a shadowy clothing right after spending all my money on one seems like an awful waste.

Thank you kindly for your answers,

For tl;dr - I have all 4 weapons gained through storyline and Academic Gown from University (my only tier 3 location so far). What else items do I get through normal gameplay (you can also add those gained sidequests like rats invading my Lodgings, giving Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief)? And which ones should I focus on buying from Bazaar?

You can gain a clothing colony in polythreme, if you bring the right suit. There’s also upgrades in the nadir for many things. But I think the academic gown is the only really useful one.
edited by suinicide on 1/23/2017

Don’t worry, no one is good at searching the forums. The search function is useless. :p
edited by Pumpkinhead on 1/23/2017

The Bazaar usually has the best stuff available outside of fate locked stuff. Things offhand that you shouldn’t buy for some reason:

  • Ratwork Watch (can get one for free by robbing a rat in spite)
  • Companions other than goats (at least for stats; you get the best non-fate ones through seasonal events)
  • Persuasive and Shadowy weapons, provided you’re willing to grind up renown from various factions.

Thank you all kindly for tips, means it’s time to spend some echoes :)
edited by Aldinth on 1/23/2017

  • Much later on the game, you will most likely want the top level Watchful Clothing (and perhaps Dangerous, if you’re Rat-grinding). I’ve never improved either my Persuasive or Shadowy clothing since pre-POSI days.

  • Again at the end of the game, Specialization will require Bazaar equipment of somesort.

  • If you pursue Notablity (and the recent festivals imply it’s going to be important at least somewhat), you will eventually want a +1 BDR (bizarre/dreaded/respectable, used for calculating your Making Waves for Notablity) Hat, Gloves, and Shoes. These are purchasable from the Bazaar but…[correction here] There are Renown items for all three items, but they each require Renown 25 in their respective Factions which is fairly difficult to gain.

  • The only Companions you may wish to buy are those who have Favour granting cards attached to them, if you decide to pursue further Renown. There are some available for the Urchins and the Criminal factions

  • Festive events are definitely the best way to equip and gather equipment as long as you’re willing to spend time.

  • If you’re feeling particularly lucky, you can attempt to find a Midnight Matriarch via a Cat in a Box.

  • You’ll gain mostly items for ‘Page 2’ of your profile as you continue in POSI-dom, rather than Page 1 equipment.
    edited by Parelle on 1/23/2017

Of these, you must buy the Gloves from the Bazaar: there are Renown items for the boots and the hat (but both require Renown 25 in their respective Factions)

I have made the mistake of buying expensive gloves for their BDR boost - and then promptly got the BDR gloves from Docks Renown 25.

At least you can take solace in the fact that they’re best-in-slot for shadowy?

[quote=Tozh Taurog]
I have made the mistake of buying expensive gloves for their BDR boost - and then promptly got the BDR gloves from Docks Renown 25.[/quote]

Thank you! I had missed that (even though I just got the gloves).

At least you can take solace in the fact that they’re best-in-slot for shadowy?[/quote]
Personally, I take great solace in the fact that I can lick someone with my hands.

At least you can take solace in the fact that they’re best-in-slot for shadowy?[/quote]

Oh, they are certainly great gloves in themselves, just at this point in my game I would not have spent so much for a top item yet. My Shadowy isn’t that high, I’m pretty far from maxing things out, so I really just wanted the BDR.

But yes, they do have significant other… erm… advantages. I don’t know if I really wanted to lick every item I touch. Though cats did get quite a bit friendlier lately…