Chiropteromantic sign

Hello and well met ^^

As soon as I’ll have Actions available I’m going to have my horoscope cast by madame Shoshana. My viable options are “Are you a curious sort?” spoiler[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]result: the Bat or the Rat[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] spoiler and “Are you a philantropist?”[/color][/color] spoiler[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)] result: the Lantern[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]spoiler, according to the wiki. Now, for the spoiler[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)] rat[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]spoiler this should unlock an Opportunity card giving 2 Intriguing Gossip and an increase in Steadfast for the good result. Does anybody know the effect of the Opportunity card for the spoiler [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Bat or the Lantern[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]*spoiler ?[/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color]

For now, apart from reading the horoscopes on twitter, every sign unlocks an Opportunity Card - I don’t know exactly if they only appear in the Carnival - giving a small fee (like, 2x Intriguing Gossip or the like) and a little increase in a Quirk… I think for Igneous signs (Cat, Lady, Lantern) it increases Daring, while for Metamorphic ones (Bat, Rat, Lovers) it increases Steadfast. You can find a small guide here: , while a very complete scheme of the signs can be found here: (many thanks to Theodor Gilden).

I had no idea it unlocked anything as I’ve never gotten the card. Thanks, I shall keep an eye out.