Hebediah Fix has throne his monocle into the ring as an Agitator for Feducci! I’m willing to donate anything to the cause should I be asked!
My bad. To clarify from earlier, I am a Campaigner.
As a Campaigner for Feducci, I am happy to make charitable donations or assist others working for his campaign in any way that I can. Fair play, fair game!
And here I am, yet another campaigner! I’ll also donate to whoever comes knocking.
If you could fix your profile link, that would be great! It should have %20 in there so that it could be valid!
Samara Drean is always looking to play high-stakes games! She’s behind Feducci’s promise of Fair Play all the way. I’m offering donations, as well as her services as a Fixer.
Does influence cap permanently at 9? It’s a ridiculously nice highway to 40 renown, but I don’t want to embezzle campaign funds for my own purposes.
Haven’t hit that cap yet, but I’d imagine so.
At present, the Docks option is bugged and doesn’t consume Donations Received. So if anyone’s looking to betray the campaign slogan a bit…
A campaigner with more money than time. Feel free to swing round for as many donations of any type as you’d like.
edited by qwints on 6/27/2017
I want to send and receive donations.
I am not in need of donations myself but am willing to give to those that need them. Just let me know if a major donation is needed, otherwise, i would prefer to give moderate ones.
(name is the same)
edited by poinai on 6/27/2017
My profile link is fixed now–my apologies!
Jack Vaux-Harrowden, Feducci Campaign.
Rumours resolved, scurrilous accusations silenced adeptly, calumnies calmed, opprobrium obliterated.
Enquire by mail, or at Pyrrhus’ Spire, the Bazaar.
All donation requests examined and most probably accepted (official campaign business only; solicitors will be fed to the goat).
Fixer here, i too support the cause.
My alt, Catherine Raymond, supports Feducci as an Agitator. She does not have a large amount of resources, because she’s a Seeker, and expects to go NORTH later this year. On the other hand, that means that she is willing to spend down to the last penny, Rostygold, and scrap of glim.
edited by cathyr19355 on 6/27/2017
edited by cathyr19355 on 6/27/2017
As a feducci agitator, I’m happy to donate to the cause.
My main and alt are both Feducci fixers. Both are happy to donate.
Just become a Feducci campaigner. Happy to give and receive donations, though I’m afraid my resources are a little limited atm!
Just become a Feducci campaigner. Happy to give and receive donations, though I’m afraid my resources are a little limited atm!
Alexei Totkinder has little to give but gives it freely in the name of Feducci