Changing POSI Specialisation Query

Two queries really:

I initially chose Extraordinary Mind. I see that I can change this for 12 Notability. Is this in addition to the 15 Notability (I think) that I will need to cash in for my new specialisation - so cash in 12, then grind to 15 then cash in again to increase the new stat? And so forth? Not an issue if it is but I have Time the Healer coming soon and am on a secure 11…

Secondly, my Watchful is 214 not 215. It took a hit during one of the Exceptional Friend stories (The Waltz that Moved the World?). I think I opened a box somewhere and boom! It never recovers because I can’t increase it through challenges beyond 200. Did this happen to anyone else and if so how did they fix it? (I have no problem regrinding Notability: Hallowmas has devastated my inventories so I shall be grinding merrily for a while and it’s nice to have a goal in mind - but I don’t know if I will be permitted to cycle through all the stats and then return and redo Watchful to get it back to 215.)

Thanks in advance, dear friends


You’ll need to cash in the 15 Notability to set a stat (Watchful, in this case) to 215, and then grind back up to 12 Notability afterwards to reset your specialisation; after that you’ll need an additional 5 Notability to pick your new specialisation. Notability is, typically, the only way to get a stat to 215 - if you’ve dropped Watchful down to 214 you’ll need to go the N15 route again to repair it.

As a side note, before changing your specialization I suggest picking up one of the results from this:

You may one day wish to have Paramount Presence, and doing this now would save you a lot of trouble.

Thank you both very much!

[quote=Kaijyuu]As a side note, before changing your specialization I suggest picking up one of the results from this:

You may one day wish to have Paramount Presence, and doing this now would save you a lot of trouble.[/quote]
Additional note on the side note, you can do this as long as your stat remains at a base 215, even if your specialization has changed.