Celebrity Look-Alikes for your character?

Alternatively, who would play your character in a movie?

Bryce Dallas Howard, especially as she appeared in As You Like It.

Tim Pigott-Smith.

I think Jim Carrey would do a decent job playing Fleshy.

Also, Passionario, that’s like, almost exactly how I pictured your character. Which is weird because my mental pics of people’s characters are almost never even close to what they’re actually supposed to look like :P

It’s probably a bit on the nose, but Caroline looks like Natasha Negovanlis in my head. If it were in modern I would be torn between she and Michelle Lombardo as Tyler Murphy, but era appropriate would be Natasha.
edited by Lady Karnstein on 9/20/2017

Scarlet Johansson, especially in her Black Widow persona from the Marvel comics movies. (She’d need some additional wardrobe, to fit in in FL, but otherwise…)

She’s a model, not an actress, but Miriam Shenasi comes closer to looking like Lamia than I thought possible.

Now that Tanith Wyrmwood has grown out her hair and let it return to its natural color, I have found a close match for her in Emeraude Toubia. Sadly, this picture is rather less accurate with regards to Dusk-Marchioness Artemisia of the Crepuscular forest (her Midnight Matriarch), but one can’t have everything.

Normally, I write up a character’s appearance long before I think about using an actual picture. But in the case of Telemachia Lee, I adopted Ruby Rose as her image quite early on, and that image has then influenced the development of the character.

My character is literally from an obscure vine video.

Neelam Gill is literally the perfect Jen Black.

This is how I see her looking most of the time – badass, arrogant and distant.

She’d wear this dress and you would think she can’t be armed, there’s nowhere to hide weapons in this, and you’d be so busy eyeing her up that you’d never see the knives masquerading as hairpins. And blades aren’t her only weapons – beauty, charm and lust are equally dangerous in her skilled hands.

On the good days, Alyssa Sutherland, but from an alternative timeline in which she took up bodybuilding instead of modelling. On the bad, laudanum-wthdrawal, name-seeking days, an unholy amalgamation of every exceptionally spastic man and extraordinarily histerical woman in every movie directed by, influenced by, or shot within the radius of 300 miles from, Andrzej Żuławski.

Elizabeth Mitchell as Passion:

Either Steve Zahn or Benedict Cumberbatch, I’m not sure which.