Can't remove Storm's Curse?

Hello fellow zailers!

Don’t know if this is a bug or intended or just my game, so I thought I’d pass it by you. After a tour with tomb-colonists a few earth-days ago, I ended up with Storm’s Curse. I also have the Salt, Stone, and Storm quality, and the attention of all three. But when I go to Whither, the House of the Question only allows me to ask about the Drowned Man.

A few weeks ago, I received the same curse from a different source. I didn’t have Storm’s attention at the time, so I went to Whither and got his attention, and then the curse removal prerequisites were visible.

So, have any of you cured curses recently? Has the method of fixing them changed? Or is my game a bit munged? Or is this a possible bug from the last update or two?

A side question: does the curse have a random horrible consequence? The wiki mentions an anecdotal rise of weather events, and there’s a lot, but not much more than before …

Thanks in advance for any insight!

Hmmm… are you Defiant, by any chance?

What does Storm’s Curse do anyway? I had it for an entire game once and never noticed any effects. I know Salt kills your family, and I’ve never been cursed by Stone.

You need to have the items to fix it on you for it to show up. 7 prisoners honey, 7 mushroom wine, 1 live specimen, 100 echos, and storms attention (which you do not lose and requires 1 specimen, 1 mushroom wine and 10 echos)
edited by Shivah on 2/27/2015
edited by Shivah on 2/27/2015

No, I know what you’re talking about.

I had the same thing happen to me. I even went and got Storm’s attention at Whither, but then couldn’t see the option for how to remove the curse so didn’t know what the requirements were to bring.

Then stopped playing for a bit until the next update (the Aestival one) and when I went back to Whither to pick up some Strategic Information, I tried the section and the option was there with the list of stuff I needed to bring (I didn’t have it all on me, so it wasn’t that I needed it all on me for it to show up at all).

I think it may have something to do with the cache. Try reloading the game and see?

Could it be that you need SAY to see the options?

[li]Have either of you submitted a bug report? That doesn’t sound consistent.

yeah. It appears to be a bug. There’re a couple of variables set in the gamefile which are pretty self explanatory

“VisibleWhenRequirementFailed” : true,
“BranchVisibleWhenRequirementFailed” : true,

These are set for the other two curses, but not this one. I’d report it.

Also, Storm’s and Stone’s curse do nothing. You can get them, and remove them, but they’re not used anywhere else. Presumably future content. Although it means if you don’t care about a scion, you can pretty much take the god’s defiance bonus without (too many) problems.

Also, Storm’s and Stone’s curse do nothing. You can get them, and remove them, but they’re not used anywhere else. Presumably future content. Although it means if you don’t care about a scion, you can pretty much take the god’s defiance bonus without (too many) problems.[/quote]

Doesn’t that lock out the god options on A View from Above? Like if you’re not a poet, the Salt Option is a good way to raise Pages.

I know it locks out Salt’s Rites in the Salt Lions which is really handy early on.

Well, I did say (too many) problems ; )
It gives you +5 on two stats, though, right? So it’s a balance.

Sorry for the long delay … I ended up going back to Whither with everything required, and indeed I could lift the curse. I hadn’t been sure if it was the patch, or clearing out the cache as MisterGone mentioned. I think SAGFY has it right, though. I’ll report it. Thanks, all!