Brisk Campaigner

I was never offered the opportunity to hire the Brisk Campaigner in London in my current game. Is there another location she can be found as with most of the other crew members?

Nope. I don’t believe so.

I have only ever found her in London, but you do need to get lucky on the RNG for hiring crew … I got to Time Passing 100 before she turned up for me in one game.

Don’t remember seeing her anywhere else either.
As far as luck goes, isn’t it the same chance for all of them? As far as I recall, they all have exactly 2 values at which they appear.

Although, in my experience in general it would seem that the surgeon slot is almost always among the last ones being filled (only tied by cooks, but there are NO random cooks AFAIK).

Edited: damn it another sunstroke mixed up my attic. I was talking about the Adventuress, the other Gentlemen are right.
edited by Captain G on 3/2/2015

As far as I know it’s the Presbyterate Adventuress you can recruit in Adam’s Way. I don’t know if it is possible to get the Campaigner as well, but she does help in one storylet there

Kingeater’s Castle ‘Eat your crew’

A New Recruit ‘Engage an Officer: the Brisk Campaigner’

Speak to the Campaigner ‘Celebrate with the Campaigner’

The Throne-Cyst ‘&quotYour Complexity: I pray you, give me back my Campaigner.&quot’

Apart from directly dismissing her at various points, these are the only ways you can change her being with you.

[quote=Red-XIII]Don’t remember seeing her anywhere else either.
As far as luck goes, isn’t it the same chance for all of them? As far as I recall, they all have exactly 2 values at which they appear.

Although, in my experience in general it would seem that the surgeon slot is almost always among the last ones being filled (only tied by cooks, but there are NO random cooks AFAIK).[/quote]

If you need a Doc, head to Nativity for the Haunted Doctor, it’s his &quothome&quot port and he’ll reliably show up there if he hasn’t already popped up in London.

That said, you’re right in that Doctors always seem to be the one Officer that shows up last in my crew, along with Cooks, because Cooks are all story locked, and unless you get a Doc in London early, you gotta go ALL the way East to grab Ol’One Eye.

I’ve got the Haunted Doctor so it’s all good, I just didn’t remember completely failing to find the Campaigner before.

I do find she tends to be the last one I recruit… I dare say it’s a combination of bad luck and the fact she has no alternate source - plus her quest being time-sensitive makes me notice her absence, knowing that the longer it takes to find her, the harder it’ll be to help her. All things considered, I’m surprised she doesn’t show up at Adam’s Way (and that the Adventuress doesn’t appear at, say, Port Carnelian instead!)