Brand new player looking for others.

I just stared the game.
Could anyone add me, please? I’m irian.

Added Blessed, Milkweed, Moomin, Raexv, Roxana Smith, Vlydia and wrecker.

Thanks Glorion for adding me :)

add me! I’m Vanshikap:)

I’m not a new player but you can add me. I’m progpen

New and looking for contacts…

I’ve just come here from Night Circus and I would be grateful for any contacts. Still figuring out some aspects of the game. :)[li]
My name Is Asfodella.

Pretty new, Andeantal here and there. Feel free to add me.

Added the most recent three writers, any of you fancy partaking in some supper or chess with me? I’m a truly gracious host.


I’ve joined just in time to learn that I have a most dread fate ahead of me. Looking for anyone to help me walk the streets of the fallen city until that day. Character’s name is Maidhm.[li]
edited by Maidhm on 11/7/2013

I’ve returned to the game after dipping my toes in the water ages ago. Would be grateful for some contacts!

I’ve been playing for a few days, and I would love some more tar- I mean contacts.
Crooked smile

Name is the same in both Game and SN.
edited by Samuel on 11/17/2013

I’m new too, feel free to add me, looking to be a regular player: ID is idaniko[li]

Greetings!I’m a new player, ‘Lady Azureth’ both here and in the wonderful world of Neath! I’m open to any social activities and would love some new contacts! Although I am a shadowy and persuasive lady, be assured I don’t bite :D[li]

Greetings future delicious friends![li]
I’ve just started and am looking forward to your delightful companionship. Please add me:

Good day to all you Fallen Londoners. I have been playing a few weeks and would like to make some acquaintances in the Neath. Please add me: Staranise

Hello, delicious (prospective) friends!
I’m DousedInPetrol (both here and in the Neath), and while I used to play quite a bit some while ago, I’ve only just rediscovered the game/my bl—y password, and have thus thrown myself back into Fallen London. If anyone (new or streetwise) wants to befriend me, your kindness will be most gratefully and graciously received…!

Hello all and sundry. Name of Bess OBrien (both here and down below) and I’m looking for partners in crime. Cheers!

I just learned about this game a few days ago from TVTropes of all places. So far, I’m enjoying the lore. I’m still not sure how to make use of the game’s multiplayer capabilities though.

I’ve been playing this game for a little bit, but I’ve yet to do any of the social stuff, feel free to add me anytime.
My username is Jaegar
edited by Jaegar on 11/29/2013

Just in case you’re still adding people… My in-game name is the same as the one on here :)