Bone Market visitors and trades list

I didn’t see the list of all the options for Bone Market on the forum (correct me if I missed something) and I’m terrible at remembering all requirements and rewards - so I made one myself. It is missing several options that I can’t check at the moment, so if anyone can help with that it would be great.
Anyway, here it is in google doc form.

[quote=Valiant]I didn’t see the list of all the options for Bone Market on the forum (correct me if I missed something) and I’m terrible at remembering all requirements and rewards - so I made one myself. It is missing several options that I can’t check at the moment, so if anyone can help with that it would be great.
Anyway, here it is in google doc form.[/quote]

The Wiki has a list of the traders on the Bone Market cards:

The Rubbery Skull gets a lot of Nightsoil of the Bazaar but I don’t recall the number for because it’s been a while since I made the trade and I don’t have a Rubbery Skull at the moment.

I kinda remember one action giving 125 Nightsoil and one action giving 130. So the Skull probably gives 125, unless it’s an Irrigo kind of day for me.

[quote=Catherine Raymond][
The Wiki has a list of the traders on the Bone Market cards:

The Rubbery Skull gets a lot of Nightsoil of the Bazaar but I don’t recall the number for because it’s been a while since I made the trade and I don’t have a Rubbery Skull at the moment.[/quote]
Apparently I’m terrible at using wiki as well, haha.

I tried to find Rubbery Skull to check that option, but I don’t remember what option at Flute street gives it and carousel there is appallingly long, so I quit. I added 125 nightsoils as possible result.

I seem to recall you get the rubbery skull when entering flute street for the first time, making it unique. I figured the reward for selling it would be similarly unique, but isn’t. I’m slightly cross about that, but hopefully there will be other ways to acquire it later, probably once we can dig up bones.

You can get a Rubbery Skull every time you return to Flute Street–but only if you don’t already have one. Before the current crop of new content emerged, there wasn’t anything you could do to get rid of your Rubbery Skull. Now there is. I have already replaced and re-sold my Rubbery Skull once.