Ooh. I’ll head thataway as soon as I find the time.
They’re nasty little mofos. Almost killed me. They are too fast to run away from - I had better kill them next time.
Yep. Before 18th Feb, the pop limit for Gossamer was 3, and it only spawned crabs - there was no tree at all. It’s since the last update that it changed ; )
I may have seen milliner bats - do they look a little like blue prophets? I’ve been so deep into the wiki (updating the saviour’s rocks stuff) the last couple of days, I’ve hardly been paying attention to my surroundings.
Milliner bats are blue but apart from that look like the other bats you see near Venderbight, they have more HP than the other bats but fighting them is not as tough and tricky as Blue Prophets.
edited by reveurciel on 2/22/2015