

Without spoiling me too much, can you tell me if there is anything of interest or at least fun to get from spreading blemmingans? I don’t know, but from the various messages, warnings and red lights I gathered from Sunless Sea, it seems these critters are mean and nasty. Why would I want to spread them, unless I hate the inhabitants of an island?
Well, perhaps I answered my own question :)

Seven is the number.

Don’t put them on Mangrove College unless you hate yourself. I haven’t found anywhere else where they have a significant effect.
edited by Olorin on 2/14/2015

Do not put them on any of these light ships.

They can also be troublesome if you put them on at the Empire of Hands, depending on what interactions you’re planning to have there. There are a few places where I don’t feel the least bad dropping them off, generally because the locals are more than a match for them - Polythreme, the Iron Republic, Godfall, the Fathomking’s Hold, places like that.

As for rewards, well, you get a choice - one is a brightly-coloured item of interest to a few different parties, and another is useful for the Father’s Bones ambition.

LOL. I love me some Blemmigans! It’s the cutest thing when you try to drop them off in the Sea of Lillies!

The interaction at Saviour’s Rocks was heartbreaking for me.
I named that proud, fierce one, Blemmigan Wallace.

thanks much!