Black Ribbon Fight Journals

Out of curiosity, and lacking the time to grind through the Black Ribbon whilst grinding out short stories for the Election, does anyone have journal links to the victorious and defeat outcomes of the various Black Ribbon contestants?

Many thanks in advance

My apologies, I wasn’t clear enough in my initial post. I was more hoping for the echos/journal entries so that I can read how the fight(s) went down. But thank you for the useful link.

A link to my own victory against Feducci:

Ony of my alts is about to take on Captain Vendrick, I’ll PM you the echo if you want.

I would be much obliged, thank you

[quote=Conrad Baltar]My apologies, I wasn’t clear enough in my initial post. I was more hoping for the echos/journal entries so that I can read how the fight(s) went down. But thank you for the useful link.[/quote]They are easy enough to find with Google! The wikia has the title of every success and failure result, and that’s all you need. Simply use the search string fallen london mantelpiece &quotstorylet title&quot and you can find (almost) everything you want. ;)

A friendly duel with Colonel Pommery: success / failure
A duel to the death with Colonel Pommery: success / failure
A friendly duel with Father Norton: success / failure
A duel to the death with Father Norton: success / failure
A friendly duel with Mr Inch: success / failure
A duel to the death with Mr Inch: success / failure
A friendly duel with Captain Vendrick: success / failure
A duel to the death with Captain Vendrick: success / failure
A duel to the death with Chi Lan: success / failure
Duel with Chi Lan, and cheat: success
A duel to the death with Feducci: success / failure

:edit: Updated to new-style journal links! :)
edited by phryne on 12/2/2018

Thank you very much! This is incredibly useful!

I see you’ve already got the snippets you wanted, so I presume I don’t need to send you the PM anymore.

Also, from Vendrick’s death,
“You won. Captain Vendrick is permanently dead. His black ribbon is yours. When Feducci hands you the purse of blood-gold, he sounds odd. Different. Hungry, perhaps?”

Does Feducci have some sort of weird obsession with death?

No, but again, thank you for your offer.

[quote=Infinity Simulacrum]Does Feducci have some sort of weird obsession with death?[/quote]Everyone’s crazy about what they cannot have.

I got the idea that it was either jealousy of the death, or jealousy that Feducci wasn’t the one to kill Vendrick himself.