This information is now out of date as this grind has been heavily nerfed.
I’ve been asked by a few people to make this, so here it is.
Towards the end of the Big Rat Storyline, a storylet in the Flit opens up "Gather your forces against the Big Rat", in which there’s an option "Advertise a spot of hunting", which when utilised correctly can net up to 1.75 echoes per action.
The downside to this grind is that it’s very easy to lock yourself out of if you don’t want to pay fate. If you either take the Big Rat alive, or kill them, that’s it, you’re done. You’ll either have to pay either 5 fate or 30 fate respectively. It also presumes you’ve got a friend or an alt to dish out social actions to/from.
Here’s how to do it:
Advertising hunting gives you 3 Secluded Addresses, 1cp of scandal and 3 cp of Running Battle.
Deal with the scandal via your lodgings with "Ask someone for help laying rumours to rest" (including getting rid of your friend/alt’s scandal).
Duel Chi Lan to the death as soon as you can in Wolfstack Docks (Running Battle 13), cheating gets you an extra 9 pence per action (up to 1.84 epa).
If you fail, deal with wounds by having someone send you the social action to decrease your wounds "Nurse a friend back to health".
Selling everything averages at 1.75 echoes per action (that’s selling the secluded addresses, and the rostygold from the fight).
My math in a spoiler:
First things first. How much Running Battle per action?
Every 4 actions is 1 menace reduction, and every 4 of those you have to accept one back, for a total of 16*3cp running battle/5+16 actions.
So ~2.28 cp of RB per action.
Next, what’s the best bang for our Running Battle?
How many actions for each duel? Each time I calculated duelling someone a little later than as soon as possible the epa went down, so I discarded that fast.
All my calculations I’ve got here:
For recursive calculating I assume your friend sends you one wounds decrease, and that you’re a mean friend and don’t send one back. Sending one back decreases your epa by… Oh. Would you look at that. One penny. Sending a wounds decrease back decreases your echoes per action by one penny. I’m also assuming it only takes you wound wounds decrease to get rid of the accumulating wounds, considering we’re talking fractions of an action here, it’s not going to decrease your epa by much, probably not even a whole penny.
Fate Expeditions can net you a much larger amount averaging (depending on your luck), between 5.5 to 4.1 epa. Averaging anyways, you can get much more than this, or a bit less.
PM me if you want more details, just in general.
If you want to thank me for this, I’m collecting Starveling Cats for my Starveling Cafe! I’ve already got 22, only need 55 more.
edited by Cecil on 1/17/2016