Being a bit of a perfectionist, I am hoping to stock up on at least six Night-Whispers and seventy-two Storm-Threnody’s before good ol Mr.Sacks comes round for the winter; and I was wondering what the best methods to grind out each in bulk were? I have heard that both expeditions in the Forgotten Quarter and occasional bouts of Déjà vu can occasionally yield Night-Whispers, and trading for one with the Relikers is always an option (Albeit one I would like to avoid if possible)
Storm-Threnody’s on the other hand, I know of only one reliable way to gather; so an alternative method would be wholeheartedly welcomed!
Being somewhat less exceptional than some of my peers, I was wondering what the most efficient use my time would be in this endeavor. A special thanks in advance to those who are willing to share their knowledge with me!
Night-Whispers: the only semi-reliable source I can think of for these is via the Tale of the Fidgeting Writer.
Storm-Threnodies: you can upconvert these from Primordial Shrieks, which you can get from Unfinished Business in Ladybones Road. If you have an Overgoat, you can get them from the associated opportunity card, albeit with difficulty.
(If what you’re after is A Taste of Lacre, consider stocking up on Tears of the Bazaar, too.)
Night-Whispers make up a good 10% of the 604 Deep Blue Heaven runs I’ve done, so expeditions are definitely a decent source. If you need them quickly, however, then you can either get them from the Shivering Relicker or through the Fidgeting Writer. We’re far enough away from December that I think any method would be perfectly fine.
The simplest way to get Storm-Threnodies would probably be to get Journals of Infamy through Thefts of a Particular Character and side convert them into Correspondence Plaques. From there you can convert up into Storm-Threnodies. If you plan on doing expeditions for your Night-Whispers I would recommend doing those first since you might get a few Storm-Threnodies while hunting those Night-Whispers down.
Ill be stocking up on expeditions supplies in the mean time, Thanks!
PS: I have just enough spare fate to do one of other expeditions as well. Would either of them be worth trying out for the flavor text or average rewards?(In addition to the Night-Whisper, that is)
The gallery of serpents has excellent financial rewards, but no chance of a night whisper. The other fate-locked expedition might, I don’t recall. Both are fun, though.
RandomWalker, do you have tables / lists of rewards for the fate-locked expedition rewards? I’ve been doing both of them recently, but am not sure when I’ll have mined them thoroughly for whatever they offer. (And it’s expensive to do so, of course.) Anything you could share via PM would be much appreciated.
I played the Temple of Uttermost Wind three times and got one Airag and Parabola Linen, one pair of Eyeless Skulls, and one pair of Elemental Secrets. Both of my journeys to the Gallery of Serpents gave me the pair of Secrets. As such I have a feeling that, while very profitable, the fate expeditions aren’t any more likely to give Night-Whispers than the Shrine.
There is no thread for it! Also. Hey! That’s mine! Cool! (Check my signature if you want proof)
Also, as per the FBG guidelines, could you please remove that link? It’s currently in a public space, which isn’t allowed (I think???).
Although, now that I’m looking, I can’t find FBG’s policies on information about Fate content.
EDIT: Now I’m wondering whether I should even have that link in my signature. Granted, it’s not the link to the actual information you posted, that’s nested behind the survey, you actually have to finish the survey in order to get to that point (which means you have to do/pay for the content) so it’s probably fine actually…
Going from the information garned in the link above it looks like the Temple of Uttermost Wind actually has less chance of Night Whispers than Shrines of the Deep Blue Heaven. edited by Cecil on 10/8/2015
I don’t think the table is a problem. Aside from the titles for the rewards it doesn’t show any of the text, and FBG doesn’t seem to mind people talking about item rewards.
[quote=Cecil Palmer]That’s mine! Cool! (Check my signature if you want proof)[/quote]This is a very cool table. I’ve never noticed this in you sig and I’ve been looking lately for info on the profitability of Fate expeditions.
Thanks for this. If I go on such expeditions again I’ll try to fill your questionnaire.
I have to say that this thread mostly makes me wistful about the results of my first (and maybe last) foray down the trail of the Fidgeting Writer. Of the maybe 50-60 Tales of Terror that started the trip, nothing remains. I’m thinking that stopping along the way to listen to the Whispers of the Night might not have been a bad thing with the winter nearly upon us! Oh well, it’s been awhile since I’ve visited the Forgotten Quarter, so I think I’ll follow the leads of my fellow citizens above and set off on an expedition or ten…
[quote=dov]This is a very cool table. I’ve never noticed this in you sig and I’ve been looking lately for info on the profitability of Fate expeditions.
Thanks for this. If I go on such expeditions again I’ll try to fill your questionnaire.[/quote]
If you think that’s cool. Then you should PM me for what more things I have.
It. Will. Blow. Your. Mind.
Also, I’ve gotten enough data that I’m fairly sure that the chances of each result is [range of result]/[total range of values]. The epa of Gallery of Serpents would then be 5.3, if you do things right anyways.
Doing it in batches of 100 should be safe however. SO LONG. As you plan on doing more in the future. I’ve done 10 batches of 100, here and there across a year, and only one of them has given me nothing as a result. And even then I’m fairly sure the chances of that happening are rather low.
Doing it in batches of 100 should be safe however. SO LONG. As you plan on doing more in the future. I’ve done 10 batches of 100, here and there across a year, and only one of them has given me nothing as a result. And even then I’m fairly sure the chances of that happening are rather low.[/quote]Well, obviously you can do it in as small or as big batches as you like. But you should be prepared to do this thousands of times if you want it to be more than a simple gamble.
I personally like aiming for a specific number of whatever stage I want to end on and working in batches of that number. First I would need X number of Tales of Terror, then I would convert them into Senses and try again until I have X number of Senses of Deja Vu. It gives the Fidgeting Writer a sense of progress rather than watching your initial numbers whittle down like your HP during a boss battle in which you can’t heal.