Best way to get Night Whispers

So I got the Urchins card, and I accidentally clicked on the option to urchin-proof my roof. So I need to become closest to them again and you need a night whisper for that. What’s the best way to get night whispers?

I’ve gotten a few from Expeditions, from the Shrine of Deep Blue Heaven. You actually get a pair of them, which is pretty profitable.

You can also get them from the Case of the Fidgeting Writer, if you enjoy failing luck checks.

1/16 from shrine of deep blue heaven, not counting the rare success- which is admittedly more echo profitable than the average result, abet not a source of most of the rare items.

Fidgetting writer is even worse, of course, but neither is RNG free. If you hate the RNG enough, you could buy them with scraps from one of the relickers as well.
edited by Grenem on 2/16/2017

The way I got one was by trading scraps with one of the relickers. I’m not sure how economical/speedy that is if you don’t have a ton of lodgings, though.

I think I’m gonna look for them in the Forgotten Quarter, because it will get me a bunch of other stuff too.

If you have gotten to the Nadir and not sold its secrets yet, that will also make you closest to the Urchins.

But that is currently a dramatically inefficient action- the same knowledge would sell for a 1562.5 echo item instead of a 312.5 echo item.

But that is currently a dramatically inefficient action- the same knowledge would sell for a 1562.5 echo item instead of a 312.5 echo item.[/quote]

Note that the Great game will give you an item worth 1560 echoes while the revolution will give you an item worth 1562.60 echoes! Imagine a situation were you just need those two to buy that cider…so side with the revolution!