Benefits of "Closest to" each connection?

As the title above implies, I am looking to find out what the benefits are for becoming &quotClosest to&quot each of the connection groups in Fallen London, and more specifically, which one might be the best to align myself with considering my play-style ( or to discover if there is no significant difference regardless of whom I choose) I have heard that the main purpose of such actions is to make counting the days somewhat easier, but are there any other benefits unique to each group? (Such as connection, items, or storylets?) If so, what are they? And are they worth the price of admission?

I apologize if this is a somewhat naive question; I have spent time researching the matter before, but I have yet to come up with the conclusive answers I am looking for.

[quote=Koenig]As the title above implies, I am looking to find out what the benefits are for becoming &quotClosest to&quot each of the connection groups in Fallen London, and more specifically, which one might be the best to align myself with considering my play-style ( or to discover if there is no significant difference regardless of whom I choose) I have heard that the main purpose of such actions is to make counting the days somewhat easier, but are there any other benefits unique to each group? (Such as connection, items, or storylets?) If so, what are they? And are they worth the price of admission?

I apologize if this is a somewhat naive question; I have spent time researching the matter before, but I have yet to come up with the conclusive answers I am looking for.[/quote]
I’m sure someone else can answer this better, but i’ll try my best.
There are 3 type of differences in oppurtunities for the closest. the first is the one on the connection card. some oppurtunity cards have other uses that are more useful. for instance, society has an option that reduces wounds, gives a point of making waves, a point of persuasive and a few points connected society. as such, you might want to pick one that has a less useful connection card associated with them.
the second is if you’re the ‘right sort’, or ‘truly desperate’ (placeholder terms for the division.). some oppurtunity cards are only offered to half of the factions. the split is the same for these each time: masters, constables, society, bohemians, church, university, duchess and great game for one side (the right sort), the rest, like the revolutionaries, on the other side (truly desperate). one example of these is the aristocratic academic, who will only speak to someone who is closest to the right sort. on the wounds card, you can sometimes trade wounds for nightmares and counting the days if you are truly desperate. the last is faction specific oppurtunities, whether on or off cards. only one i’ve seen is in the flit for urchins, but i’m sure there are others.
I don’t know if any of the differences are really significant though

It only affects the storylets for increasing Counting the Days and some meance reduction cards.

The factions are mostly divided into three groups (The outcasts, the working class, the upper class), which unlocks static (and reliable) storylets for progressing in parts of Counting the Days (i.e. The Wolfstacks option allow you to increase Counting the Days from 1 to 6, if you are aligned with the Docks or Urchins or other poor people), and also on some meance reduction cards (social actions are still superior).

It also adds a option to the faction card you support that increase Counting the Days regardless of what it is.

You can also increase Counting the Days with the &quotA Visit&quot card but it is always more profitable to just talk to them instead of increasing CoD.

Most people just pick the one faction they like the most because it affects nothing outside of Counting the Days story. If you don’t care about the CoD story or want smooth progress on it, I suggest you pick the Bohemians because they for some reason have access to all the non-card options.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 2/20/2015

If you are interested in Counting the Days choose Great Game or Bohemians, as long as you don’t lose your soul you will eventually be able to do the full cycle without cards.

Most of the Closest To connections give various options on menace cards that also tie into Counting the Days.

Counting the Days is used Marks of Credit that can be spent to get certain unique items, once you have all of them you can cash in Marks of Credit for connections to your faction and a few others associated with them and something else. .

Being Closest To will also open up something on the relevant Faction card. I can’t remember what all the different ones do.

As for which is best for you that is a very personal choice and can be changed if you are willing to pay the price.

I’m pretty sure they all just increment Counting the Days and give some Pocketful of Loose Change. (EDIT: I just checked, and a few also effect quirks but yes that’s what they do)

It largely doesn’t matter, since Counting the Days is mainly only useful for getting a few specific items that can’t be gotten other ways.

Which is kind of unfortunate it seems like it should be a big deal.
edited by WormApotheote on 2/20/2015

Closest:Bohemian also has the option to advance to Author from Journalist without being a PoSI. Very nice in the early game. This made it the best of the options for me.

you don’t need to be closest:Bohemian to do this. I’m closest to urchins, and i did that. it just shows up on the opp card based on persuasive.
EDIT: that is, if the opp card is the one that costs a short story of certain quality.
edited by Grenem on 2/21/2015

I was able to do that without being closest to them or being a person of some importance. I did have to write a short story of some degree of quality though.

Based on your descriptions, I take it that Bohemian and the great game are the better options? I just want to double check, as I have a slight bias for the Urchins.
edited by Koenig on 2/21/2015

Those two factions are great while you’re trying to get Marks of Credit for the Iron Republic Safe-Conduct and the Consonant Violin. After that, however, I don’t think they’re worth staying aligned to if you prefer a different faction.

I see. Thanks for the heads up.