
So, odd thing. The moment I began to persue raising my Hellfarer stat, I recieved many offers of healing, a new one after I accepted each one, from someone named Bees? Quesion mark included, mind.

They asked nothing, made no social ovetures and reciprocated none, and upon looking at their page have mot ventured forth from New Newgate prison (i wasn’t even AWARE one could pursure social action when ones lodginds were your jail cell, in fact ir should benimpossible!) nor raised any of their stats AT ALL, nor aquirred any items.

…have I been healed by a ghost? Given the connection between bees and devils, is this part of an undocumented feature? Someone with a sense of humor injecting a note of mystery into the game?

Has anyone else interacted with this Bees? fellow?

[quote=OctaviaCrowe]So, odd thing. The moment I began to persue raising my Hellfarer stat, I recieved many offers of healing, a new one after I accepted each one, from someone named Bees? Quesion mark included, mind.

They asked nothing, made no social ovetures and reciprocated none, and upon looking at their page have mot ventured forth from New Newgate prison (i wasn’t even AWARE one could pursure social action when ones lodginds were your jail cell, in fact ir should benimpossible!) nor raised any of their stats AT ALL, nor aquirred any items.

…have I been healed by a ghost? Given the connection between bees and devils, is this part of an undocumented feature? Someone with a sense of humor injecting a note of mystery into the game?

Has anyone else interacted with this Bees? fellow?[/quote]

As always it’s just a player called &quotBees&quot, the devils aren’t known for medicine anyways.

Damn, now this is strange!
I know that someone reached Helfarer level 66, but never heard of this BEES? account!
Probably… no clue! :)


[quote=The Master]
As always it’s just a player called &quotBees&quot, the devils aren’t known for medicine anyways.[/quote]
But how can he access the lodgings tab?
edited by Skinnyman on 2/15/2017

[quote=Skinnyman]Damn, now this is strange!
I know that someone reached Helfarer level 66, but never heard of this BEES? account!
Probably… no clue! :)


[quote=The Master]
As always it’s just a player called &quotBees&quot, the devils aren’t known for medicine anyways.[/quote]
But how can he access the lodgings tab?
edited by Skinnyman on 2/15/2017[/quote]

Some bees have hands, you know?

edit: but to be serious, are you sure that is the right player? Bees seems like it would be quite a common name, and devils don’t just heal humans even if they are close to them, of course it’s not them,
edited by The Master on 2/15/2017

Do you have a link to their mantelpiece? I think BEES and Bees? are not exactly the same person…Though I could be wrong.

[quote=Skinnyman]Damn, now this is strange!
I know that someone reached Helfarer level 66, but never heard of this BEES? account!
Probably… no clue! :)


[quote=The Master]
As always it’s just a player called &quotBees&quot, the devils aren’t known for medicine anyways.[/quote]
But how can he access the lodgings tab?
edited by Skinnyman on 2/15/2017[/quote]

There are several ways to get to your Lodgings without using the map.

The simplest one is to use the Season of Skies storylet, which makes you exit out into your lodgings. Sadly, this one’ll be removed when the next ES comes out.
Another way is via entering & leaving any menace state, the latter act throwing you right back home.

I believe, having seen the profile page OP was indicating, the main question was how they were able to extend social offers of healing when their lodgings are the ones at the very start of the game (before you find a place to live in either a Spare Bedroom or an Attic Room) .

The only answer I have for you is that you can be freed from the Tutorial Prison, OP, and still not have unlocked either the Attic Room or the Spare Bedroom lodging from &quotFind a place to live!&quot. I’m guessing they’re still in the earliest, earliest stages of the game either deliberately or coincidentally and are sending you these things as a lark.
edited by Hotshot Blackburn on 2/15/2017

…no, I’m pretty sure it’s devils.

[quote=Hotshot Blackburn]I believe, having seen the profile page OP was indicating, the main question was how they were able to extend social offers of healing when their lodgings are the ones at the very start of the game (before you find a place to live in either a Spare Bedroom or an Attic Room) .

The only answer I have for you is that you can be freed from the Tutorial Prison, OP, and still not have unlocked either the Attic Room or the Spare Bedroom lodging from &quotFind a place to live!&quot. I’m guessing they’re still in the earliest, earliest stages of the game either deliberately or coincidentally and are sending you these things as a lark.
edited by Hotshot Blackburn on 2/15/2017[/quote]

But that’s the point. If you haven’t got a lodging you can’t send out the &quotNurse a friend back to health&quot social action, as it is done from your lodgings. Before you get the attic room or the spare bedroom, there is just a blank space on the map where the lodgings go. You can’t access any of those social options. Maybe the Season of Skies study trick does indeed take you to a non-existent lodging, though, I don’t know. Not able to try that without creating a new character.

Yes, that stuff does take you to non-existent lodgings.

…and now we can start to speculate on the Neath’s peculiar dimension theory.

It’s actually the start of a Sunless Skies ARG.

They’re trying to generate some buzz.

Putting you at your ease: you can’t actually get to Bees? profile page. The profile page you’re going to is that of Bees - the question mark you’re adding at the end is being ignored. Two accounts, folks. :)

At my EASE? My dear person, rather say ‘taken whatever ease I had’!

An invisible p, inaccesible account is healing me! What bizzarity, what odditude!

Oh, blast. Now I’m sounding like Pages.

Oh, pooh.

They responded, and are merely a normal individual. Ah, blast, what a mystery wasted!

On the other hand, I get coffe at Caligulas, so the evening is hardly wastes.