ARRESTED! (but for real)

I recently managed to get Suspicion to 8 while zailing, and upon coming back I was forced before “Ironclad” Wickes for sentencing. I wasn’t particularly concerned, of course, until I found that I couldn’t use an Ablution Absolution to get out of it. Clicking on it didn’t work, even in the reliably unreliable iOS app. It seems like they finally fixed that exploit.[li]

This left me with the unenviable choice of either raising my Criminal Record or spending Connected: The Masters, as Failbetter intended. Since it was extremely difficult to erase my Criminal Record last Hallowmas, and there is no reason to believe such an opportunity will ever present itself again, I called in that favor.

Can anyone else confirm that this loophole has been plugged? If so, it is important that the community is aware of this.

You should still be able to visit the bazaar tab and your inventory to buy/put on suspicion-reducing clothing, which should be able to save you by lowering effective Suspicion down to 7.

I tried that, but they thought of that too: I was still at ARRESTED! even with Suspicion 8-1.[li]

As usual, I learn about a loophole the very moment it no longer exists…

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I think the exploit is you reduce your suspicion the moment you hit 8. If you’re dragged before the judge it’s already too lates

It used to work by that point in the past.[li]

Glad to hear you’re just in New Newgate. Based off the title of this thread, I assumed you had been arrested in real life.

I’m not in either, since I had sway with the Masters.[li]

Losing the election was a setback, but not a total defeat. The Implacable Detective promised to tighten up the justice system and clear out corruption, and as you can see, her efforts are bearing fruit.

Nonsense. Clearly this was the work of Feducci’s &quotfair play&quot legislation.