Are CP's traingular numbers?

Are CP’s Triangular numbers?

For example, 1=1 CP; 2 = 3 CP; 3 = 6 CP etc.

Is there a time when they depart from this formula? This would be very beneficial for those who calculate Echoes per action.
edited by Pyrodinium on 1/6/2016

CP per level caps at 50 for most qualities and 70 for the main four stats.

[quote=Pyrodinium]Are CP’s Triangular numbers?

For example, 1=1 CP; 2 = 3 CP; 3 = 6 CP etc.

Is there a time when they depart from this formula? This would be very beneficial for those who calculate Echoes per action.
edited by Pyrodinium on 1/6/2016[/quote]

Im pretty sure they are linear. The N-th level simply requires N CP.

Yes, but that makes reaching Level 3 cost 6CP, which means that reaching Level n is sum(k) with k going from 1 to n. That’s what Pyrodinium meant by Triangular numbers!

Aah ok he was saying from level 0 to N, not from N-1 to N, got it.

Then, to answer the original question, at level 70 it stops adding CP required for the next level, but when you spend those points to farm (for example: Casing) the game subtracts them to the total CP, the level is just a &quotsuggestion&quot of the point you are at. So, only the total CP matters, not the level

What Docteur said. :)

@Optimatum - thanks for the stat limits!

The level is used for requirements and difficulty checks, however – not the CP. I guess rather than triangular or pyramid numbers, these are like “obelisk numbers” where the slope of the obelisk goes vertical at 50 / 70!

You’re right, pyramid number technically isn’t the correct term, although it’s what they’re called in the StoryNexus documentation – pyramid numbers are based on a 3D pyramid and go 1, 5, 14, 30, 55 while triangular numbers go 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 etc. (And that’s useful to know since that’s the total CP to get from 0 to each level in FL!)

If you ever need to calculate CP to reach a level (below 70/50) from 0, you CAN use the formula:

or for levels above 50 (in any quality save attributes) the formula is CP NEEDED = 1275 + (LEVEL-50) * 50

I have another formula somewhere to plug in your current level and an amount of CP to be lost to figure out what level it would drop a quality too, but I can’t find it at the moment! Still, math is fun and triangular numbers are used a fair amount in game design as they don’t get out of control quite as fast as exponents, but they still feel like an intuitively ramping progression. I recommend reading the Wikipedia page in the original post for more fascinating facts about triangular numbers!

The numerology of Fallen London is intriguing: triangular numbers for CP, powers of 5 for the increasing sale price (in pennies) of item tiers, and 7… well, the less said about 7 the better. Eleven for the number of masters. Which makes me wonder about the missing odd number: 9.
edited by metasynthie on 1/6/2016

Maybe 9 isn’t missing - maybe the next number to look out for is 13. I feel like prime numbers would have some significance in the neath