April’s Exceptional Story: The Murgatroyd Formula

I got an Airag, a rattus faber rifle and movements in the great game. I made Tabitha follow her dream but in Harriet’s case, it seems all she wanted was to run the shop. So this is what she got, in my version. Was there a hidden dream of hers that I missed?

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You can ask multiple questions.

Did you search her office?

You can find a letter. Her moral dilemma involves the contents of the letter, which you can confront her about. There were a lot of choices around it, so I don’t know how certain opportunities may have opened or closed.

[quote=PSGarak] You can ask multiple Questions

Yes, but only one with my charisma potion!

Alright, so mixing the potion actually is a bad idea. With my sense of judgment I don’t what I’m doing here instead of going up North, but here we are.

EDIT: I mischaracterized my rewards so I want to set the record straight. In addition to the above, I got a Sworn Statement and a Move in the Great Game. No airag though, which is a pity because I would have rather had that than a Sworn Statement, which I receive every week as a Correspondent. But I like the story consequences of my choices from a role playing perspective, so I am content overall.

I like this one, so far, much more than the March story. I feel like my choices are actually having more of an impact, here.

Moloch Station still is my favourite, for certain, with Lamentation Loch shortly after. But this is a strong third, so far!

I’ve had two major points stump me as to my character’s reaction, which I really enjoy. I will say the query I’m on rn stumps me more because of March’s story feeling like it took away my choices, though.
My character, while not the type to give a whole group of folk Moon Milk, would definitely want to keep it, (because I am a freaking hoarder) because she’d want to study it, herself. But in keeping it, I’m worried I’ll just be forced to use it, later. Yikes!

I hit &quotPerhaps not&quot by accident and was so stumped by the lack of obvious re-entry that I submitted a bug report! D’oh…

I didn’t know this when I completed this exceptional story, but it seems that from reading this thread, it is possible to get different responses from Murgatroyd when you interview him. Normally, he would give standard PR answers to all of your questions, but if you decide to show and drink the charisma potion, you can get 1 truthful answer to one of the three questions (that would have been useful to know before I opted for the safe formula). If anyone can post echoes in regards to these responses, that would be greatly appreciated.

Overall, this is a fun story that thankfully doesn’t have too much grinding in it. I was debating whether I should snitch on the daughters since I would definitely like to have someone like Murgatroyd in my debt, but I realized that I wasn’t that bad of a person.

That moon milk though…I haven’t played Light Fingers, but I’ve heard lots of gnarly things about it. Welp, this is Victorian London after all so I’m okay sacrificing a bit of my morals if it means better business.

Oh no… Oh no. Addis didn’t know what happens with moon-milk. There’s like 100+ people hyped up on moon milk and it’s his fault. When he learns what it actually does he’s going to be so livid with himself for screwing with people’s minds like that. He’s gonna have to fix that.

Anyways, I liked this story! It was a cute sibling squabble and everyone seems likable enough. Well written, and not SO convoluted that it’s hard to follow. I like the implications it has about Murgatroyd’s, though I wish they could go into more detail about it. I liked the amount of mayhem you could potentially cause too, but Addis is too much of a sweetheart to tear apart a family like that. He’s a sucker for heartwarming endings where everyone is happy. I mean, you could argue the customers are happy too??? Maybe???
edited by Addis Rook on 3/30/2018

Oh, I did find the letter! I just wondered if there was anything else that I missed.
Overall, lovely little story, making the Neath more alive with characters and shedding a bit of light on one of London’s quiet institutions.
Aoh, and if anyone urged Hariett to send the letter to her father in the end, instead of keeping quiet as I did, I would love to know what came out of it!

[quote=Jolanda Swan]Oh, I did find the letter! I just wondered if there was anything else that I missed.
Overall, lovely little story, making the Neath more alive with characters and shedding a bit of light on one of London’s quiet institutions.
Aoh, and if anyone urged Hariett to send the letter to her father in the end, instead of keeping quiet as I did, I would love to know what came out of it![/quote]

Here it is

A part of me wanted to show the letter to Murgatroyd for kicks (it didn’t help that I told Harriet that I stole it, then proceeded to rub it in her face), but I thought better of it when I saw that he would demote her because of her indiscretion. It makes me wonder why Murgatroyd was so scared about the &quotrumor&quot spreading; if the business was just a front for an information brokerage, then it shouldn’t be that bad. I mean, it’s common knowledge that Clathermont gives coded messages to spies and no one does anything about it, so Murgatroyd doing something similar isn’t mind-blowing…unless it has something to do with the Masters, the Revolutionaries, or something else entirely.

I enjoyed the story a lot. It was definitely interesting, much more interesting and less tedious than Factory of Favours and Lamentation Lock (both neat ideas but which felt really grindy when I did them). I tend to prefer the more… unusual/unearthly… stories (Pursuit of Moths, 12:15 from Moloch Street, The Persona Engine) but this one was quite good at providing insight into more ordinary life (led by admittedly extraordinary people) in Fallen London.

Definitely didn’t love it as much as the Pursuit of Moths, which was a bit more interesting. Still, fun time, enjoyed lacing the drinks with moon stuff.
edited by JainaEgo on 3/30/2018

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I hope that we will be able to flag qualities as hidden in other Storynexus worlds, as well.

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I sat for hours agonizing what to do and stayed until late for action refresh to finish the story, so yes, this is a good one in my book. I liked the unpredictability in the beginning, how my choices mattered throughout the story, and I felt a connection to Tabitha through my character (felt like looking at her younger self) so I was glad to be able to support her. And helped her sister along the way as well, of course, they are both good girls. Meeting Murgatroyd was nice too.

Getting forced by the plot to acquire moon-milk was the only part that struck me as weird narrative-wise. Mrs. Osborne is a character who would happily enable your questionable and potentially dangerous decisions, but she’s also an honest person who will never approve manipulating your customers with any kind of substance, moon-milk or not. It felt particularly weird since I had the option to scold Tabitha for it, but then… well, I was as confused as her by the sudden change of attitude toward the matter. At least she got to destroy what they found.

Seeing Tabitha’s flashy new portrait right next to Harriet’s recycled one also weirded me out. And also having no clue where to go when I exited the apothecary after I ran out of actions and wanted to draw cards (I started the story in the Side-Streets and spent a minute or two looking where the heck has the storylet gone to). But those are rather small complains in comparison.

How do I make the father’s carriage arrive? I’ve got the flagship formula and have uncovered the sisters’ secrets. The only options I see are either to be ruthless to the sisters by divulging their secrets or to take Tabitha to find the moon-milk. I don’t want to do any of those things. Do I have to? Or is there a way to progress the story elsewhere?

As far as I could tell, you have to go look for the moon-milk. You can decide what to do with it later, but, yeah… (hence my complain above).

Is this metaphorical or does the charisma formula actually give you a big stat boost temporarily? it’s just that would be a highly unusual effect and noone else has commented on it so far…

Choosing it makes mr Murgatroyd answer your questions more truthfully, so its a mood for story reasons, but does not change your stats.

Now that I’ve finished the story (and used my enhanced-by-tonic charm to inquire about business instead of feelings), I’m really curious what Mr. Murgatroyd truly thinks about his daughters.

Here’s two of the results for asking with the charisma tonic active. Did anyone ask about getting a job yourself?