Anyway to stop the "An old friend" cards?

So i recently betrayed my celebrated artist model. Obviously love has no place in finding names.[li]

But, Now im suddenly drawing the super common &quot A chance encounter with an old friend. &quot card! How do i get rid of it?
Can i marry someone new and get rid of it? Because its hindering me getting tower of eyes for making waves and i think its completely ridiculus that you can draw the card AFTER betraying her.

It would’ve been neat if you could’ve used that Cantigaster Venom to permanently kill NPCs whose cards you definitely no longer wish to see. Though, should it really have to come to that? ::

I do wish we had an option to throw that artist out on his ass. Or at the very least give us an option that’s actually of use :/

On a side note: Why is there an option to romance a guy on the card you get for romancing a female? It just seems… very character specific.

I really appreciate that FR allows your character to be as flexible sexually as you like (and, on the meta level, that there’s a Persuasive-improving option). If your character is horrified by the option, all you need do is reject it. I just wish there were a way to seduce the Promising Artist’s girlfriend. What a leech![/li][li]

I really appreciate that FR allows your character to be as flexible sexually as you like (and, on the meta level, that there’s a Persuasive-improving option). If your character is horrified by the option, all you need do is reject it. I just wish there were a way to seduce the Promising Artist’s girlfriend. What a leech![/li][li][/quote]
[/li][li]My character is a right floozy. She’d romance anything vaguely humanoid just for the experience. When London fell, she fell.

I don’t remember getting the Chance Encounter card since I became a PoSI. It’s not a bad card, I would say, because it’s a good source of Someone is Coming, which is one of the main reasons I haven’t reclaimed my soul yet.

Wow. I get it >10 times every day, despite being both a PoSI and married. Annoying, so if there’s a way to remove it from my deck I’d like to know about it…

I’m a PoSI but not committed, and haven’t seen the card. Is it possible it’s disabled by some temporary quality you have while courting and re-enabled once you’re married?

I’m PoSI and not committed, and I get this useless card quite a few times each day.

In fact, if I had to guess as to which are the most recurring cards for me, this one would definitely be in the top 5.

[color=#009900]Folks: I’ve started a consultation thread about this sort of issue, here.[li][/color]