Anyone Tracking Blemmigan Secretary?

Other than the few early cheaters, this is legitimately one of the achievements of FL. Asking for a friend.

I got one last year. Got it through Unsigned Message boxes.

Quite hard to farm this one without a huge army of alts sending gifts of the unexpected.

I got one late last year. Having only played a bit over four years and with no alts, I was pretty lucky.

Exactly how rare is it? Has anybody calculated the exact chance, and hence the average amount of boxes needed? Do we even have enough info for that?

It is approximately 1/1000, or .1% chance.

You need 700 boxes for about 50% chance, 1400 boxes for about 75% chance and 3000 boxes for about 95% chance

ETA: People generally assume that if something is 1/1000 then you need to do it 1000 times to be &quotsure&quot. If you open 1000 boxes you have only about 63% chance of getting a Blemmigan
edited by genesis on 3/4/2018

I have one too, have been playing for about a year now. Pretty lucky, although I always use the box option when I draw the card, and people tend to reciprocate. it adds up, but I have a hard time estimating how many boxes I’ve opened to get the secretary.

I got one about a year and a half ago. To be honest I got very lucky, I would be surprised if I had opened fifty boxes by the time I got mine, the RNG just decided to help me out that day.

I’ve been playing for about 2 and a half years and I still always feel that prickle of excitement whenever I get a package hoping that THIS time will be the time I get something purple in the mail but so far no luck.

I’ve been playing for a few years at this point, and getting a Blemmigan Secretary is literally one of the only goals I have left to complete before I end my character through SMEN. About a year ago I decided to start tracking results for each and every Surprise Package I got, just to have an idea of the results, etc.

Here’s a snapshot, even though probably nobody’s too interested: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Again, sorry if it’s hard to read/understand, since it was made just for personal use. The chart on the bottom and the corresponding &quotSomething…&quot info on the right is just percentages of where the resulting Echoes came from, overall.

An average of two packages per day? Really nice, mate, really nice!

I actually got one pretty quickly after I drew the unsigned message card with over 10 notability or whatever it was. 100% chance on a notability challenge, and I got it within the first handful of boxes at that level (ETA: no–that’s not right, the FIRST box I opened with 100% chance–not sure if that actually makes a difference, though). I had no idea it existed–I thought &quotshould I click on something purple?&quot Luckily I did! I was going for 15 notability for my first PP speciality.

Just put it up on my mantelpiece–of course I named it Prince, lol!

I’m going for most edits ever–I had only been playing a little over a year, I’m quite sure that I hadn’t even opened 200 boxes at that point, and probably less.

edited by Tay1or on 3/5/2018
edited by Tay1or on 3/5/2018
edited by Tay1or on 3/5/2018
edited by Tay1or on 3/5/2018
edited by Tay1or on 3/5/2018

I’m trying to get one, but no luck yet

Got one two-three weeks ago via an Unsigned Message

I decided to finally open my significant collection of surprise packages and got a purple friend yesterday. so it is still there. been playing for couple years now and opened around 400 packages by now. still got 300 packages left to go through. maybe I will find my soul in one of them :)

I got mine last year simply by being lucky.

I got one last year, after playing for two years. It’s proudly displayed on my mantelpiece (although more a result of luck than hard work).
edited by yang573 on 3/6/2018

[quote=Yang Yang]I got one last year, after playing for two years. It’s proudly displayed on my mantelpiece (although more a result of luck than hard work).
edited by yang573 on 3/6/2018[/quote]

Wow, congratulations!

If I keep playing FL I may get one eventually. Though it took me many years to get my first Bat With Attitude. Now I have 6. We’ll see about the Blemmigans. :-)

[quote=Catherine Raymond]Wow, congratulations!

If I keep playing FL I may get one eventually. Though it took me many years to get my first Bat With Attitude. Now I have 6. We’ll see about the Blemmigans. :-)[/quote]
77 bats and 7 Blemmis!!! :D Only 68 bats and 6 blemmis left!

Alas, you can only have 1 Blemmigan Secretary. If you happen to roll 1000 again, you’re forced to pick the Something Bloodstained option.