Any real differences between the Ballet's

I want to put on the scandalous ballet but when I’ve looked at the rewards it looks like the same rewards but more punishments than the others. Am I misreading?


[quote=maleclypse]I want to put on the scandalous ballet but when I’ve looked at the rewards it looks like the same rewards but more punishments than the others. Am I misreading?

If you want to make a very short tomb-colonies trip, it can be good- it sends you to the tomb-colonies, yes, but with current-scandal + ~10. if you were scandal free, this could make for a much faster trip than otherwise availible.

Otherwise, no, you’re not misreading. it’s a matter of magnitude- the ballet is deliberately edgy, with no audience it appeals to in return. The bohemians like it, but no more than something that would be far less offensive to everyone else.