Any proud Yachtsmen here?

Okay, thanks.:)

Hey, topicstarter here. My a bit over week-old yacht is my first ship.It wasn’t that hard but i got lucky and won it in 2nd try. Still, i prepared loot enough for 5 tries. Spent it quickly on club membership and amber for echos to buy a nice Tub hat

Because I’m grinding Searing Enigmas via Fidgeting Writer, an Author, and have persistently attempted to gamble at the Palace in search of Wry Functionary increases (haven’t had any luck with that), I had the supplies lying around to try this.

For a laugh, I ditched my steamer and had a go at gambling my entire stock of wine and bribes. Skill check low-risk, so I used an Insight and a Smile.

I’m quite, quite mad, obviously, but so’s the RNG.

I do indeed have a most regal pleasure vessel. My response is pretty late to the party, but I acquired resources the following ways:

[ul][li]Wine - I had so, so much wine from grinding A Presumptuous Opportunity combined with Unfinished Business to get low tier wine. I just constantly ground notability from side-converting items or simply upgrading Tales of Terror to force-draw the Opportunity card. I later sold the Uncanny Incunabula or made Enigmas.[/li][li]Honey - I believe I already had quite a large stock, but most of it came from Unfinished Business.[/li][li]Amber - I believe the Mahogany Hall option with Frank and Jasper is the best way to get Amber.[/li][li]Favors in High Places - I kept a stock of favors from grinding A Polite Invitation and a few other conversion options. I think I had around 20-30 at all times when I began grinding the Yacht.[/li][/ul]I think I needed 5-7 attempts to get the Yacht. Luckily, only losing one of each wagered item at a time didn’t hurt nearly as badly as I thought it would.

The Yacht has been my first and only vessel. One day, I may go back and get a Zubmarine - it’s definitely in line with my character’s Monster Hunting and Seeking tendencies. The Yacht was my first choice because my character came up from being a tough and bruiser to a silver-tongued gentle-Hunter.

The Fidgeting Writer is definitely the path to Ye Olde Wealth I would recommend if you’re willing to put in the time to grind up the pre-requisites and burn all of the actions. It’s profitable, but you need to hit a large enough size to exploit the RNG and statistics.
edited by Stygota on 9/7/2016

Is it wrong of me to say I ditched my Clipper for the Yacht, not because it is a Yacht but because I can play Mahjong?

Also, maybe this wasn’t a selling point for anyone else, but:

While sailing, you have a nice source of Secluded Addresses and stockings from throwing old-timey sea-going ragers. In addition to the above, there’s one troubles card you can simply bypass by pulling a &quotlet them eat cake&quot-style feast. Finally, one of the Sea of Voices cards allows your Yacht to get rather &quotintimate&quot with another ship. The Yacht is the embodiment of the hedonistic, upper-crust luxury life.

edited by Stygota on 9/8/2016