An Election Soiree

[ @Shadowcthuhlu: I have noticed the thread has hiccuped a few times. Not sure if it’s the spam filter or something else.
@Teaspoon: It’s cool. Feel free to join if you feel like it. ]

Amelia watches as the Mirthless Colonist leaves. She couldn’t argue against the desire to join someone for thrill seeking. Or what she can fathom is thrill seeking and nothing more than that. With his departure, she looks at her empty glass before looking outward at the crowd. &quotDon’t know what happened ta tha previous mayor. I imagine death waited fer ‘em like most who experienced ta Fall.&quot She keeps her eyes away from Dirae as she tries to pinpoint other faces in the crowd. &quotSuppose we’ll find out what we been missin’ tis time wiffout a mayor soon,&quot she adds.

“I personally am not a fan of Masters. I haven’t had much experience with mayors.”

&quotI’d be willin’ ta agree if’n tha news o’ Jenny cuttin’ funds from Wines didn’t surface,&quot Amelia chimes in. &quotBe a bit o’ an interestin’ fing thar. But yer right. I’m expectin’ whoever does get ‘n office ta be a puppet by tha time a new election comes.&quot She grabs a new glass of wine from the table. &quotIf’n we ever haff a new election. Could end up bein’ a sorry ‘fair by tha time a year be passin’. But I can’t say it’ll be wiffout some interestin’ news or good some way. Streets be filled wiff it at least.&quot

“Why did they decide we need a mascot now?”

Amelia shrugs. “Tha never stopped us 'fore. But wiff tha way tis city sleeps and wakes, wouldn’t be surprised if’n someone complained bout our new regulations wiff our puppet mayor.”