An Alliance of Convenience?

[quote=]Sigh, you come over here. No you come over here. This is how nothing changes.

You know what I want? I want to truly try to merge the two factions at this point.

The Dauntless wants to clean up licensing. Clean up shady gin distillers, soul dealers, and landlords. Who knows the law backwards and fowards? Who could help root out this evil? The Implacable Detective.

The Implacable Detective wants to help her officers. Get those who have fallen on hard times back on the street where they can do some good again. Who is the person who is already helping care for these people? The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner.

Imagine the power of these two women working together! The blue right hand of the Implacable creating a better law system and creating good, true coppers to keep chaos off the streets. The white left hand of the Dauntless fighting exploitation and providing a more gentle touch to what might be considered an iron rule of law.

This is something we can make happen. Couldn’t we at least try?[/quote]

You know what? I fully agree.

Their goals for London generaly ally. Both want to make London a better place. Both their allies and campaigners want to do this. But at this point, Fedduchi is well ahead.

Now, last election, there was talk of a alliance between the Bishop and the Contrairian to stop Jenny. You what to know what happaned?


Jenny won. And she won, because [b]neither side could choose who to put in charge and who to abandon.

[/b]So why abandon either? Here’s what I suggest. Failbetter allow the oppotunity for people to arrange a coalition between parties. In this case, DTC and the Detective. If their votes outweight Feducchi, they win.

It’s be a rather astounding twist, to think that two sides would ally to stop a third.
edited by Kylestien on 7/3/2017

First past the post is a brutal system and it’s logic cannot be worked around.

Also, I’d rather lose with the Campaigner than win with some confused and poorly thought out coalition (who would even be Mayor?!).

Same here, honestly. I’m voting Detective for narrative potential, and have no interest in an unofficial coalition (an official one would be unfair, in my opinion).

even though im an in (and out of character) supporter of feduci I actually think this Is a brilliant idea!.
even though I think in world fedduci is the only candidate with the capability to make real I also get the feeling that he’s going to win by a land slide so I feel that this would make things more interesting for every one involved.

also the after election narrative potential would be pretty dam high as well.

Kylestien, if you want to beat Feducci before everything else, just switch to the Campaigner and tell everyone in the Detective’s group to do the same.

An official alliance isn’t even an option for FBG at this point.

Election only gets 2 updates: The mid-season (which we got today) and the actual ending.

If they ever were to release a coalition this year, it’d have to happen at the very final moment, which would greatly frustrate a lot of people caught unawares and dissatisfied with it.

It’d be like February’s involvement in the Contrarian’s campaign last year: Annoying, unnecessary and resulting in migrations to other candidates.

Except this time, people won’t even have the time to react and change their votes, and two candidates would be compromised like this instead of one.

This is a recipe for a very frustrated fanbase.

I’m already in the campaigner’s group. And the fact that you have benn so closed minded about whatever platform you are on both last year and this to the point of not seeing that others will not budge either makes me ashamed to admit that.
edited by Kylestien on 7/3/2017

I considered asking them the same thing, but really, I figured it’d be insulting to their devotion to their own candidate. Better we share a loss amiably than share a victory as inevitable enemies.

That being said, Feducci’s in the lead at the halfway point, but it’s still anyone’s game. Both of the other candidates are putting up a better fight than Jenny’s opponents did.

I’m already in the campaigner’s group. And the fact that you have benn so closed minded about whatever platform you are on both last year and this to the point of not seeing that others will not budge either makes me ashamed to admit that.
edited by Kylestien on 7/3/2017[/quote]
Well, if no one budges we’re doomed anyway, because the coalition is sheer fantasy.

The way I see it, if the Detective’s people really want to defeat Feducci before anything else, they’ll switch to us.

And last year I supported the Bishop to the end because I realized Jenny wasn’t going down, so I figured I might as well stick with my candidate. Even if every single Bishop supporter had backed the Contrarian from day one the Contrarian would still have lost.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/3/2017

As much as I’d love it if the Detective’s people backed us just to spite Feducci, I understand their desire to stick to their choice to the end.

That being said, if any wanted to be more pragmatic and try to boost the second-runner, I won’t complain. Depends on if you’re more pro-Detective or anti-Feducci, I suppose. If you’re the latter, the DTC really is a better choice. If you’re the former, well… I respect that, even if I disagree.

I’m already in the campaigner’s group. And the fact that you have benn so closed minded about whatever platform you are on both last year and this to the point of not seeing that others will not budge either makes me ashamed to admit that.
edited by Kylestien on 7/3/2017[/quote]
Well, if no one budges we’re doomed anyway, because the coalition is sheer fantasy.

The way I see it, if the Detective’s people really want to defeat Feducci before anything else, they’ll switch to us.

And last year I supported the Bishop to the end because I realized Jenny wasn’t going down, so I figured I might as well stick with my candidate. Even if every single Bishop supporter had backed the Contrarian from day one the Contrarian would still have lost.
edited by Anne Auclair on 7/3/2017[/quote]

I feel it important to note here: If we go by the way the election results were annoucned on Twitter, it looks like ther DTC is actualy doing the worst out of the 3. In which case, it would make more sense for a coalition or alliance to switch to the detective. I do not really have much intent to do so right now, but it is something of note if we talk strict numbers.

We have a lot of late deciders and switchers who have yet to build up career (I know because I was in the trenches and saw late deciders break for the Campaigner Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). We’re going to finish strong.

I can verify that Anne’s been sending out letters like a madwoman, and it’s actually been effective. We’ve had quite a few people defect to our side, and even more of the undecided come to us after realizing the DTC is the closest to our dear, dear Mayor Jenny.

Here was my silly little dream when I wrote the original message above:

Someone would say, hey, let’s merge these two factions. A chunk of the posters around here would read it, and go “You know, these two platforms are pretty close to one another. And the lore idea sounds pretty cool. The Dauntless in co rulership with a badass detective? I would watch an HBO miniseries of that…”

From, all that would have had to happen was people continue to be genuinely decent. A little thread gets started, a few polite posts made here and there. No one going into other threads to start fights, just a quick, “We are doing something kinda neat over here, join us if you like! Or not. No big deal.”

From there, nothing more even really needed to happen. If we had a little clamor of support and a genuinely good natured discussion going we would have done some good.

Would it be enough for a few people at Failbetter to look at the results on Friday while finishing up a few beers (they seriously deserve a couple after all of this) and go “Hey, you know what? **** it. That is a cool idea. Let’s merge their votes, see what happens. I can think of about ten different stories we could center around the two of them in power, practically writes itself.”?

Probably not. But I just thought it would be more fun than digging in our heels and shouting at one another.

Unfortunately, I doubt my dream can root in this soil. Oh well. I just hope all of you are still enjoying yourselves. Maybe just take a step back and make sure your enjoyment isn’t effecting anyone else’s good times. Just for a moment.

I honestly doubt FB would go with a coalition. It’d be cool and provide all sorts of story opportunities, but I think it’d throw a wrench in whatever outlines they currently have.

Dreams can be dangerous, take it from a Glassman. And yet, they sustain us. There’s a poetry in that. Take heart in that fact, at least.

I doubt it too, but do we honestly have anything to lose?

…Not really. You wanna start campaigning for a coalition? Maybe if the two of us get enough support, FB will defy my pessimism and make things more fun.

Yeah, I floated the idea in the DTC’s campaign thread, and the response was unenthused. Even though the polls show her in definite last place with her chances being “slim”, they’re apparently convinced they’ll have a late surge due to a letter-writing campaign of some sort. I dunno, maybe Temperence campaigners just suck at counting.

Nah, we really have had quite a few people join up recently, which is why people bristle at the “more votes” argument.

It’s why I say a coalition cannot be unofficial. It has to be something FB openly does in joining the candidates.

The people they ‘suck at counting’ would be the majority of players who don’t visit the forums. Are there thousands of off-forum players? If so, a few hundred letters aren’t going to matter a whole lot when the game doesn’t really give enough time to build up a grassroots movement. Though according to this unofficial poll the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner isn’t doing so badly even if she’s last.