Ambition or going North?

So, I’ve been playing for a few years now, and have pretty much everything except Heptagoat. At first my goal was the ambition, of course, but that ran into a dead end really quickly. So now I ask myself and anyone who cares to answer, is there still hope, that the ambitions will be finished, or should I give up my wait, and end it all behind the gates at Avid Horizon?

Heh, nice question, similar to mine.
I have been everywhere.

Although… do you know anything about the elusive Ambition:Enigma?

Yes, gone as far as you can with this one too. As far as I know at least. But I have even less hopes for it to be finished, is you can even &quotfinish&quot something like that )

The timeline isn’t clear, but Failbetter still plans on finishing all the ambitions. They’ve also hinted at some exciting announcements for the game’s 10th birthday in January.

I wouldn’t mind a spoiler PM on how to start Enigma ambition…

Optimatum, well, that is at least somewhat reassuring. I think I’ll wait a couple more months for that.
Fafer, sent you a PM

Go North. This ambition is just great.

I could have sworn that there was a locked Zee destination that required a currently unavailable item called a Celestial Cinnabar Compass, but it doesn’t seem to be there now. The only locked destination is NORTH, and I know where that goes because of my late lamented alt. Any ideas on what’s going on with that? (With the “Celestial Cinnabar Compass” destination, not my alt).

There were two locked zee destinations, the Pillars (i.e. Irem) and the Uttermost East. A month or so ago they mysteriously vanished, which is hopefully a sign that they’re being worked on!

[quote=Optimatum]The timeline isn’t clear, but Failbetter still plans on finishing all the ambitions. They’ve also hinted at some exciting announcements for the game’s 10th birthday in January.[/quote]Hear hear! I guess they said that on Discord or something? It’d be really great if FB didn’t completely forget about the forums… I’ve a bit of a feeling recently that we’re being left behind here. :/

Thanks! Good to know that I wasn’t hallucinating.

You could explore all ambitions, one at a time, and then go north!

I definitely saw it mentioned on Reddit, at least… but I do agree :(