Ambition: Light Fingers -- Dirigible


I got the dirigible. I got the Rubbery crew. I followed the prompt to go to Wolfstack Docks. And… nothing.

Is it the &quotgo out to zee&quot storylet? I wondered. I tried that. It said the Masters would only let me have one ship. So fine. I reluctantly part with my zubmarine. Annnd off we–wait. Now it’s asking what sailing ship I want; no option for a dirigible.

And that is where I am stuck. The nerdrage has subsided slightly, but I’m still confused and a touch miffed.

You didn’t need to trade in your ship, for sure. Dirigible isn’t a ship that excludes the other ships.

What’s your current “Ambition: Light Fingers” quality? Find it in the ‘Myself’ tab under ambition. If you want then you can check to see where you’re supposed to go next.!

If I understand your state right, you should be at &quotAmbition: Light Fingers&quot 55, with Ready to Fly at 3. The next step is to zail to Dr. Vaughan’s Hidden Encampment. You go to Wolfstack Docks, put to Zee to get to the hidden encampment like you already did once before, normal zailing mechanics, and go from there.

You’ll need to get a ship before you can do that again, though, since it sounds like you gave up your Zub :(
edited by Amalgamate on 1/16/2018

Yeah. It was never explained that that was the case. It tells you to go to Wolfstack, then… nothing. Very upsetting that I have to rebuild my Zubmarine from scratch. I likely won’t bother.

E-mail Failbetter Support and explain the mix-up, they’ll probably restore your Zub! That’s tragic but they’re kind-hearted.


Now, this is why you should learn to look up the wiki. If you did not know about the wiki, you should.

If you know about the wiki, but you are just averse to spoilers, then this goof-up is the risk that you run for not referring to the wiki.

Anyway, here’s the wiki link to the Ambition.

P.S. By the way, if the game wants you to dump your ship just to advance in one quest or other, the game will tell you that in the bold and italics text after all the story-flavour text. It does that for other nasty gameplay-effecting options too.
edited by Rostygold on 1/20/2018