I have recently pursued this ambition to the point where I’ve put to zee. Where exactly do I go when I’m at zee? Thanks :)
I too, have just put to Zee in search of Dr Vaughan. Has this next part of the ambition been written yet, and if so, where do I go?
Thanks in advance.
If you’ve reached Light Fingers 51, then Dr. Vaughan’s Hidden Encampment should appear as a place to dock when you reach Approaching Journey’s End 9 in the Southern Archipelago!
Found it! Now I need respectable 7, which I don’t have. Home again, I guess.
While you’re becoming more Respectable (and Welcome at the University, if you aren’t already,) you might want to invest in a few supplies… specifically, a Warm Amber, two Puzzle-Damask, five Whirring Contraptions, twenty Aeolian Screams, twenty Correspondence Plaques, and twenty-four Amanita Sherry, if I’m reading the wiki right. That said, no hurry, because turning those in leads to the current content boundary - you can start stockpiling them now, and go give them to the doctor when more content is added!
Thank you very much. I didn’t want to read ahead, as that would sort of defeat the purpose of playing through the ambition.