DavidJ has just reached Heart’s Desire: The Topsy King 21. In addition to being pestered by an outlandishly popular song, DavidJ must choose to give up all his dreams, a Stone-Tentacle Key, or 5000 Nevercold Brass Silver. The obvious choice seems to be the Brass, but by doing a little digging on the wiki, it is revealed that this would result in The Merry Gentleman rejecting my offer and only giving me one inkling of identity. One!
So I am left in a bit of a predicament, as I have been attempting to become Stormy-Eyed for quite a while now, but I do not have access to a ship. My query is, are these Stone-Tentacle Keys difficult to come by? Can you own more than one? Is it worth giving up my hopes of hearing What The Thunder Said to progress with my Ambition?
Yours Truly,
It’s all of the dream qualities at 5, and that’s impossible to grind. The key is really the only reasonable option and is fun: just don’t worry about taking some time doing it or just buy the tramp steamer which is fairly inexpensive.
And once you ARE stormy eyed the best way to progress is via a Zee location.
[quote=Parelle]It’s all of the dream qualities at 5, and that’s impossible to grind. The key is really the only reasonable option and is fun: just don’t worry about taking some time doing it or just buy the tramp steamer which is fairly inexpensive.
And once you ARE stormy eyed the best way to progress is via a Zee location.[/quote]
Right, it’s taken me forever to grind the dreams. Thank you for the advice, and just to clarify, giving the Merry Gentleman the key will not lock me out of any content? Like its a reacquireable item? Thanks again.
You will indeed lose that key, but you can acquire another one freely (as I have done myself!) I haven’t found a second use for it.
The 5000 Nevercold Brass option doesn’t actually advance the story; it just spends 500 slivers to give you one Inkling of Identity and a somewhat interesting story snippet. The Stone Tentacle-Key is the way to go.