Ambition 2

I’m thinking I’m gonna make a new alt just to play another ambition. It’s between Light Fingers and Bag A Legend; give me propaganda for both?


Light Fingers is an incredible story. Its central theme is Love, which is coincidentally the central theme of the entire FLverse, so it is quite a fitting storyline. It can turn your character from an unrepentant thief to a truly good person, or from a well-meaning meddler into an absolute monster who works only for the Greater Good, whatever that means to them. I don’t want to spoil too much, but it makes doing what is objectively a truly horrible thing for people in the future into seeming like the only good option. I cried after I finished Light Fingers. But, aside from all that, it can also be cute and heartwarming, and I think that the supporting characters are some of the best in the game. (as well getting the best Ambition lab assistant)

I’ve also played BaL, so I can propagandize for that too. It’s a fun story! It’s perfect for a Seeker! You get to beat up an entire island of nuns to convince them to train you! It has interesting overlap with the Fate-Locked Foreign Office content! And BaL’s highs are very high. But it also has a lot of slow bits, due to a great deal of (I think unjustified in-universe) grinding. But aside from a few parts where it prods at interesting themes, it isn’t nearly as well-rounded or good of a story as Light Fingers. However, I also think it’s the most Fun of all the Ambitions. Do you want a light adventure romp? Then BaL is great! But if you’re looking for something consistently deeper, I’d avoid it.


I’ll do Light Fingers this time then! I’ll probably do all 4 eventually, but I’m looking for something with a meaty story this time!


If I remember correctly, Light Fingers is the only ambition which allows you to change your ambition for free after a certain amount of progress.


Yes, an NPC shows up to say “Please stop,” and hand you a cup of Lethean Tea Leaves.


Currently speedrunning unlocking areas to grab Estival items on the new account, wish me luck lol