Amber and the Rubbery Men

Does anybody have a favorite theory about just what’s going on here?
Bonus if it actually fits with existing content.

I think there’s a canon explanation presented in the Fate-locked Flute Street content. At least I’ve been told certain things by people who have been there. But I don’t think that we’re supposed to openly discuss such things.

There is a canon explanation, and it is fate locked in flute street. This doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t come up with your own theories. And anybody wishing for confirmation can always pm.

Well it only partially explains it, there’s a lot of gaps that can be filled in with theory or speculation. But. I’m not sure I should give mine since they’re based on the Flute Street stuff.

One thing clear from Fate and non-Fate content alike is that amber is very absorbent stuff. All sorts of things seem to get drawn into it, and can be extracted and used again later. Colours, for instance!

Curious, most curious.
Something in me wants THIS to be where I spend my fate someday.
Sure, I might get a shepards watch, but a boneless consort just… draws me.

Just a warning–I think the boneless consort is double fatelocked? You need to get to flute street, and then pay for a personal enhancement while down there.

So I give up a fancy coffee twice in a month, instead of once, when one wants to know, well, the price isn’t too harsh.