Alt Account Question?

Ok so I just made an alt account to try out seeking, Ive never played a game that allows alt accounts before so i’m kinda uneasy about it, im obviously not gonna cheat or send things to myself, but I know one of the restrictions on the game is the number of actions, if I play on my alt account, use all my actions, and then go to my main to play on that one (with full actions) is that like considered cheating??

I hope this makes sense aa im bad at wording stuff

Don’t worry - that’s not a violation of the TOS. Feel free to periodically send social actions to yourself as well; occasionally I’ll use them for quick newspaper interviews or emergency menace reduction. So long as you don’t abuse it all shall be well. :)

ok! thank you!

Oh god, I hope sending yourself social actions isn’t considered morally reprehensible. If it is I promise I didn’t spam myself with chess games to get my alt to 200 watchful…

I’m pretty sure FBG is just concerned about abusing alts for resources, like making a bunch of alts around Christmas time to send Rats of Glory to your main account for Searing Enigmas. Coffee and chess should be perfectly fine.

The only thing that the Terms and Conditions explicitly prohibit regarding alts is:

“use of secondary accounts to harass other players or gain competitive advantage”.

Since Fallen London is not really a competitive game (except for Knife and Candle, which is on hiatus), people have interpreted this phrase in different ways: some never use alts, some use them just to explore other storylines, and some use them to help their main account with menace reduction and resource gathering.

FBG have remained (probably on purpose) silent on the matter.

Interaction between your alt and your main are generally permitted (or not seen). But there does seem to be a line somewhere for how much they can interact.

Ive never really planned like…interaction between the two I just know that Failbetter restricting actions is like, one of the ways they earn money so I didn’t know if like…going from one account to another, witch is basically giving me extra actions, or extra playtime is considered like cheating

Definitely not cheating. If you enjoy the game enough to want to play more than one character that can only be good for Failbetter.

I’ve got a number of alts (mainly to play the different ambitions and see other content and the latest to see how the changes to the game impact the early content). This actually creates revenue for Failbetter as some of them are exceptional friends and I buy other fate-locked content as well.

Not to say that other people can’t play multiple characters without spending money.

Things I use alts to benefit my main for:

  • Menace reductions
  • Second chances (through Gifts of Admiration, since playing chess these days is plain painful)
  • Testing results of actions not on the wiki. (usually the breadcrumb storylets for new EF stories every month)

[quote=lady ciel ]Definitely not cheating. If you enjoy the game enough to want to play more than one character that can only be good for Failbetter.

I’ve got a number of alts (mainly to play the different ambitions and see other content and the latest to see how the changes to the game impact the early content). This actually creates revenue for Failbetter as some of them are exceptional friends and I buy other fate-locked content as well.

Not to say that other people can’t play multiple characters without spending money.[/quote]

I almost never spent money on my alt (she gone NORTH, now), but once I did buy her Exceptional status that I’d meant for my main, so I bought Exceptional status for my main as well.

I’ve never felt it was quite right to use alts routinely for menace reduction, since I’ve always found it easy to recruit other player characters to help. Nonetheless, if I needed to consult a bunch of different characters for a grind, my alt was usually one of them.

As for “competitive advantages,” I think they’re mostly talking about races to complete new content (like how people were racing to get Paramount Presence earlier). That sort of thing doesn’t happen all that often in FL but it does occasionally, and I can certainly see how people might be upset if they were beaten by someone who used a bunch of alts.

My general instinct for what seems reasonable here is basically “Don’t make alts that behave in ways no human player would, in order to benefit your main account,” such as by taking a dive in election debates, curing menaces and sending gifts while getting nothing in return, deliberately nuking their own stats in order to stay a protegee forever, etc. But if the relationship is of mutual benefit, and the advantage over each having a relationship with another player’s character is simply coordination of timing and the like, that seems perfectly reasonable.

That’s likely the spirit of things, although as long as you don’t explicitly violate the ToS even going against this spirit won’t result in any consequences as far as I know. For instance, I know of several people who use an alt almost purely to cure menaces. I myself have an alt that’s supposed to play properly, but I’m extremely lazy in using it.