Advancing the Liberation of Night

You’ve read my mind, except you missed the epilogue in which he insults NSA staff from your twitter account.

There’s simply no pleasing some people! ;)

Someone has to appreciate the Dostoevsky levels of suffering these writers can create. I’m still hoping the last installment of Nemesis forces me to choose between resurrecting my spouse and enacting revenge, so I can make the wrong choice and live in misery.

Somehow, I don’t think FBG has that in mind, though I suppose that could implement that as an option when they revive Seeking Mr. Eaten. :-)

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][spoiler] [/color]There’s nothing in that destiny though that suggests you preserved Fallen London, just the internal balance of power among the Masters and the external balance of power between them and Fingerkings. The longterm fate of London seems rather irrelevant as its not even touched on.[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)][/spoiler][/color]
edited by Anne Auclair on 1/14/2016
edited by Anne Auclair on 1/14/2016

Perhaps if I post on the forums enough the idea will enter someone’s mind. One can dream.

It does occur in the wax -> beetles exchange (rare success?)

Jermion has advanced slowly on a couple of occasions without really knowing how.