"Adrift On a Sea of Melancholy?"


I want to make my character a Church Campaigner at least for a while Because Roleplayingz, but I am baffled re: how one acquires the &quotAdrift On a Sea of Melancholy&quot quality. I’ve been told there’s a fairly frequent opportunity card in the Docks from whence one can be Rendered Thusly Adrift, but I’ve yet to see it. Nor have I encountered anything else that even MENTIONS it other than that option on the &quotAltars and Alms-houses&quot card. That cruel, cruel option. Taunting me with the abundant frequency of its parent card.

Can the RNG somehow sense my character’s fundamental insincerity, here? It’s been weeks if not months and I am still absolutely stumped. Surely ‘Campaigner’ isn’t some kind of über profession one isn’t meant to obtain without playing for a year… right?
edited by bitterhorn on 3/6/2015

Well, if you’re POSI, you can give the Soft-Hearted Widow a donation. Otherwise you need the ‘Wolfstack in the Fog’ or ‘The Kidsman’ card, from Wolfstack or The Flit respectively. Or, if you’re really desperate, start up a an Orphanage (again, POSI required).

A couple of months ago you could have cleared someone else’s path of lacre and then your own, but that would be a long wait.

[quote=RandomWalker]Well, if you’re POSI, you can give the Soft-Hearted Widow a donation. Otherwise you need the ‘Wolfstack in the Fog’ or ‘The Kidsman’ card, from Wolfstack or The Flit respectively. Or, if you’re really desperate, start up a an Orphanage (again, POSI required).

A couple of months ago you could have cleared someone else’s path of lacre and then your own, but that would be a long wait.[/quote]

I started playing in January; IF ONLY I’D KNOWN :/
Thanks for the info, though; I suppose the good(ish) news for me is that my character still needs to grind a TON of Dangerous/Shadowy before PoSI-time, so I’ll just keep flipping those cards while I’m naturally in those two areas anyhow and hope the Almighty RNG has mercy upon me.

Both Wolfstack in the fog and The Kidsman recruits are standard frequency cards, so you should be able to get it before posi.
edited by Aximillio on 3/1/2015

Not that I’m bitter about the fact Lilac is avoiding me, or anything…

edited by dragonridingsorceress on 3/2/2015