Accidental loss of Singular Plant

Hello friends!
I recently lost my Singular Plant, because of a missclick. I was wondering, if it’s possible to re-obtain it in the game, since I don’t believe the admins will be willing to use their magic, to fix my incompetence. :P

[quote=Mr.Constantine13]Hello friends!
I recently lost my Singular Plant, because of a missclick. I was wondering, if it’s possible to re-obtain it in the game, since I don’t believe the admins will be willing to use their magic, to fix my incompetence. :P[/quote]

The card to start the story will appear again, but im afraid you will have to start over.
edited by The Master on 3/16/2016

The card appears with depressing regularity for the not-horticulturally inclined…

I am sorry for your trouble! I too sold my plant by accident.

This may prove helpful if you’re playing on a regular browser:
edited by Parelle on 3/16/2016

Thank you everyone for your quick replies!

This, actually, is a good reason to suck it up and play them until you have raised your plant to level 19 - no more cards!

I appreciate the advice, I do. But my thumbs are any colour but green, and the benighted thing insisted on turning up its – do plants have a nose? – at everything I did. Bah humbug!