Accessibility in Fallen London

[color=#46f2ca]We’ve worked with a number of visually-impaired beta testers during the development of Fallen London mobile, and we’re keen to make Fallen London (both mobile and browser) as accessible as possible.[/color]
[color=#46f2ca]With that in mind, this is a thread for visually-impaired users to discuss the game, suggest accessibility improvements and connect for social acts.[/color]
[color=#46f2ca]If you’re primarily looking to make friends, there’s also a general meeting-people thread here.[/color]

[li]I’m a blind player, and found this amazing game. I’d like to provide feedback on accessibility, mostly regarding graphic labelling and some way to indicate the colour borders of items.
[li]At your service,

[li]Father Torque
[li]Neat citizen

One of the things that could be changed, is the alt attribute of the icons. They include the path to the file, and makes a lot of noise :)
An example below
alt="// - Observation, intelligence, deduction."

Father Torque

[quote=Father Torque]One of the things that could be changed, is the alt attribute of the icons. They include the path to the file, and makes a lot of noise :)
An example below
alt=&quot// - Observation, intelligence, deduction.&quot

Father Torque[/quote

I agree there’s a lot of noise. A question how do you equip or use an item with the app? Great game!
edited by Carman Mccauley on 5/24/2016

how does one become a beta tester?

I’ve been told by a sighted friend, that on every mission there are icons indicating the pre requisites. This information would be very useful, and it is not available to screen readers. maybe a way on how the tooltip is created, alt/title attribute for the icons, or plainly text description in the storylet.


Father Torque, I don’t know how viable this would be for you, but there is an extension to Fallen London that adds branch and storylet perquisites as plan text. Instructions are available here:

Very very nice addon. It is extremely useful! Thanks a lot for the tip.

Incidentally, Father, I assume your name is a reference to the biker-priest from Lucasarts’ Full Throttle? Love that game!