A Tomb, A King, A Kingdom

You’ve gained 1 x An Antediluvian Ushabti (new total 100).

Only 313 more to go.

Any assistance in helping with the Ushabtiu goal would be appreciated.

There is no reward beyond the formation of a Kingdom Behind Glass.

Well, you’ll be set in the afterlife. Assuming you manage to die.

I feel that I ought to contribute to this. Which character, precisely, is the Tut-in-the-making?

My main, Vavakx Nonexus. Profile link in the signature.

You’ve gained 1 x An Antediluvian Ushabti (new total 150).

The wheels turn. Their strong step can be heard from the Smoking Shore. The first walls of the Kingdom, headed by glass spires, are raised.

Patrons of the cause lay resource beyond measure. They won’t be able to create the kingdom alone. Even a single ushabti will move the cause forward.

You’ve gained 1 x An Antediluvian Ushabti (new total 250).

A religion has arisen. Those of perfect skin and bereft of scratch are pure. Those who weren’t treated kindly by the Post are marked by their scars as sinners.

Wow, big congratulations, mate!
As I’ll wish to pursue this goal as well, what are your means?

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]You’ve gained 1 x An Antediluvian Ushabti (new total 413).[/color]

The Kingdom Behind Glass is formed. The Monarch - crowned, for all their life and whatever might follow.

[quote=Skinnyman]Wow, big congratulations, mate!
As I’ll wish to pursue this goal as well, what are your means?[/quote]

A small amount of very wealthy and generous patrons from the IRC and the Delicious Server.
I’m afraid that one tombful of Ushabti had drained much of the latter’s donation piles.

You’d still be able to assemble quite the collection, I reckon, but 413 is a bit too much, by any standard.

(Congrats! Still think it was pretty bad form to decline the spare gifts when you could’ve just turned them in with Lilac - those were 20 Mysteries of the Elder Continent = 10 Echoes each gone into the aether…)

Does having 413 actually do something or is it merely RP?


Why 413?

King Tut

Should start the preparations for next year! Did you start this after seeing this post or before? I was just wondering if you happen to have any ideas/suggestions regarding the other gifts?

Specifically, 413 ushabtis were found in the tomb of Tutankhamum when it was excavated.

I… didn’t even know that post existed. My ushabti-related shenanigans spiraled out after someone suggested that I go from the 77 (good number for any goal) Ushabtiu I had to 413.

I, sadly, don’t have much to add to that list at this point. It’s impressively comprehensive.

Congratulations on your hoard of stone servants.

You’ve gained 1 x An Antediluvian Ushabti (new total 777).

[quote=The Pyramid Texts, Spell 220 out of 777]Open are the double doors of the horizon
Unlocked are its bolts

Clouds darken the sky
The stars rain down
The conjugations stagger
The bones of the hell hounds tremble
The porters are silent
When they see this king
Dawning as a soul

Open are the double doors of the horizon
Unlocked are its bolts

Men fall
Their name is not
Seize thou this king by their arm
Take this king to the sun
That they not die on earth
Among men

Open are the double doors of the horizon
Unlocked are its bolts

He flies who flies
This king flies away from you
Ye mortals
They are not of the earth
They are of the sun
They flap their wings like a tyrant moth
They go to the sun
They go to the sun
On the wind
On the wind[/quote]
edited by Vavakx Nonexus on 2/10/2018

Now you just need to steal the giant ushabti from The Attendants.