a slimy cat

what should I name my new beloved Hallowmas pet

Well, one of mine is called Sluggy-Wugg. Bright orange and eats like a hole in the ground. So you can’t call him that.

That’s my question too! I’m thinking about looking into sea slugs for a name.

I just named mine Gumby. He’s made of “rubber”, after all.

Torn between Octopuss and Cathulhu.

If I get to upgrade my Rubbery Feline, I’ll name the upgrade Pokey and get another ordinary one to be Gumby. :-)

EDIT: I changed my mind by the time I upgraded my feline. The Rubbery one is still Gumby, while the Morally and Physically Flexible Rubbery Feline is Indy (short for India). ;-)

edited by cathyr19355 on 11/6/2019
edited by cathyr19355 on 11/6/2019

Oh, I love both of those! I guess I like Cathulhu a bit better.
edited by cathyr19355 on 11/6/2019

mind if I just yoink those names (provided I get the upgrade of course)
edited by the old man on 10/24/2019

We can get more than one???

The storylet locks when you have a Rubbery Feline. If you upgrade it, then you no longer have a Rubbery Feline (as a game object). Thus, it would unlock again.

Thank you!

Usually what I do when naming my little companions is taking a few of the letters or syllables from their default name and try to mix them with names that sound real or human, while also throwing in some fancier elements. It also helped me to sometimes mix english with my native language for the same word to get stranger words which sound like good names.